What To Do When You See Black Mold Between The Tiles In A Shower?

Black mold is not only common in nearly every shower but is also expected for those who do not maintain their showers with enough care. This mold is prevalent in the shower because of the dampness that exists in the shower, and this extra moisture means that bacteria has a chance to thrive there. While only a minor health hazard, you should remove black mold from between the tiles in your shower to make the area look better.

Household Items

Household Items

You can clean the mold from in between your shower tiles with a number of items that you likely have lying around your house. Two such products that will clean the bacteria are baking soda and white vinegar. You can mix the two products together with a 2:1 ratio of baking soda and white vinegar, and your cleaning mixture will be ready to use. You can then apply the paste to any trouble areas, allow it to dry for around three minutes and quickly scrub it off.



Just like baking soda and white vinegar, plain vinegar is also a common cleaning tool and one that can be purchased at any grocery store. If creating a paste sounds like it would make a mess, you can simply scrub your moldy areas with a simple spray bottle and sponge. While vinegar is known to kill most types of household bacteria, this will likely leave a smell in your shower. The smell may take several hours to dissipate.

Cleaning Solution

Cleaning Solution

If your household products have failed you, you can spray the mold-filled areas with a bleach or mold-killing product which you can purchase at most grocery stores; the products are made for use in your shower. Spray the dry surfaces, and allow the bleach to soak in. Once soaked for a few minutes, you should vigorously scrub the area with a dry brush or with a sponge, and slowly work the mold off of each spot between the tiles.

Preventing Mold

Preventing Mold

Once you have the area finally clean, you can take steps to ensure that the mold does not return. One such step is drying the shower every time you get out. This option may be time consuming, but you can use a squeegee to wipe the water off the walls or simply wipe them dry with your towel once you have finished with it. If you open some windows, the area will dry more quickly, and you can spray the shower with a mold-removing shower scrub after the area has dried out.
