What To Use To Get Rid Of Pet Smell On A Wooden Deck

Cleaning wooden decks can be a tough job, especially when pet smells are involved. The wood needs to be treated with a cleaning solution that will not damage the deck, yet is strong enough to remove the pet odor. You should consider a few inexpensive substances, which will remove the pet odor, but also keep your deck looking its best.



White vinegar works to both disinfect the affected area, as well as to deodorize. Pet smells can be eliminated on wooden decks by creating a solution of two gallons warm water, and 1/2 gallon white vinegar. Mix the solution, then scrub the wooden deck with a stiff brush or broom. Work the solution into the wooden beams, let sit for 30 minutes, then rinse the deck with the garden hose to remove any excess pet stain or vinegar residue. Repeat if necessary, but one scrubbing will typically get rid of the pet odor.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda also works as a deodorizing agent, and is safe for use on wooden surfaces. Sprinkle the affected area of the deck with a thin layer of baking soda, then work into the wooden beams with a stiff brush or broom. Dampen the area, and continue to scrub. Let sit for 30 minutes, then rinse with the garden hose to remove any baking soda residue. This solution works to both deodorize and clean the deck area, leaving your wooden deck clean and odor-free. Repeat as often as necessary, but one thorough scrubbing should remove the pet smell.



Bleach is another alternative to removing pet smell on a wooden deck. Mix a solution of two gallons warm water, and 1/2 gallon bleach. Wear gloves, as skin should not come into contact with this bleach solution. Also wear old clothing, as the bleach can cause permanent damage to colored clothing. Scrub the solution into the wooden deck using a stiff brush or broom, let sit for 10 minutes, then rinse with the garden hose. This will not only remove pet odor, but also remove mold and mildew smells that can be created by weather elements. Repeat as often as necessary, as bleach works wonderfully as both a deck-cleaning solution, and an odor eliminator. While some cleaning professionals dispute whether or not bleach actually cleans a wooden deck, all agree that bleach will in fact remove odor and discoloration caused by pet stains.
