How To Remove Fish Odor From Fabric

Things Needed

  • Baking soda

  • Water

  • White vinegar

  • Laundry detergent


If fabric is dry-clean only, allow the dry cleaner to remove the odor and clean the fabric.

Fish odors are one of the most repugnant of smells. Fish can come into contact with clothes while fishing or if a broken fish oil pill touches clothing. Fabrics absorb fish odors. Simple washing may not remove all of the lingering fish smell. Use a few simple techniques before laundering to remove those disgusting odors.


Step 1

Sprinkle baking soda on the fabric with the fish odor. Lay the fabric in the sun. The baking soda neutralizes odors and the sun's rays help to disinfect the material. Leave the fabric in the sun for two hours.


Step 2

Place the fabric into a sink of cool water. Pour one cup of white vinegar into the sink. Slosh the fabric in the vinegar wash, so the vinegar is disperses through the material. Allow the fabric to sit in the sink for 20 to 30 minutes. The vinegar breaks down any remaining fish odor.

Step 3

Place the fabric in the washer. Wash with laundry detergent. Smell the fabric after taking it out of the washer. If the fish odor remains, wash a second time. If not, dry the fabric in a clothes dryer.

