Can I Use Lysol Disinfectant In Laundry?

Sometimes, a simple wash cycle isn't enough to rid your clothing of icky germs. Especially if you or someone in your household has been sick, it's crucial to sanitize your clothes and other fabric items that can harbor bacteria. Conveniently, you can use Lysol on your clothing to disinfect it. It's also helpful to know how to disinfect your washing machine to get the cleanest, freshest laundry possible.

When and How to Disinfect Your Laundry

When and How to Disinfect Your Laundry

While you don't need to disinfect every load of laundry, it's important to do so with your dirtiest clothing, like workout gear, musty towels, and clothing you wear while sick. A good rule of thumb is to always sanitize any clothing in which you've sweated profusely.

Disinfecting your laundry entails more than merely using detergent. Many washing machines have a sanitary setting that uses an extra-hot temperature to eliminate 99.9 percent of bacteria frequently found on bedding and clothing. Just be sure to check the label on your clothing before you do this because not every type of fabric can handle high temperatures. If your machine doesn't have a sanitary setting, you can simply use the warmest water temperature available to achieve a deep clean and eliminate bacteria and germs.

How to Use Lysol in Laundry

How to Use Lysol in Laundry

If your clothing can't handle high heat or your machine doesn't have a sanitary setting, you can use Lysol disinfectant liquid to sanitize your clothing. A high-quality Lysol laundry sanitizer is a great way to effectively get rid of bacteria. To use Lysol on your clothing, add two capfuls of the product to the fabric softener compartment and run the load as you normally would. Then put your washer on the rinse cycle for 16 minutes.

How to Disinfect Your Washing Machine

How to Disinfect Your Washing Machine

Aside from using Lysol on your clothing, you should also disinfect your washing machine from time to time to ensure a bacteria-free zone. To do so, fill the washer with hot water, add a quart of bleach, and let everything run for one minute. Open the top of the washer and let it sit for an hour. Then let the machine run a complete cycle.

Once it's finished, fill the washer with hot water and add a quart of white vinegar to the water. Agitate for a minute to mix. Then open the top of the washer and let the hot water sit for an hour before running another cycle. This will thoroughly sanitize your machine. You can also clean the exterior of the washer as well as the gaskets and dispensers with a homemade solution of equal parts vinegar and water if desired.
