How To Clean Scented Candle Wax Off Laminate Flooring
Candle wax can drip onto laminate floors and make a huge mess. But as bad as it may look, candle wax can be removed easily.
Always try to remove the wax as quickly as possible to minimize damage. Candle wax contains a significant amount of dye, which can stain flooring, especially darker colored candles. If the candle wax is still liquid and hot, put a plastic bag of ice on the spill to cool and harden it. Next, use a credit card, plastic knife or scraper to get it off the floor. This should remove clumps of wax that are sticking to the floor.
Tougher stains may require using a candle wax remover, which can be done easily with inexpensive household products.
Tough Stains
Tough Stains
For stubborn candle wax spills or dark stains like ink, crayon and nail polish, use rubbing alcohol. Bob Vila recommends working with an acetone-based nail polish remover.
Gently rub the stain with a soft cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol until the stain is completely gone. Do not use a scouring pad or any other abrasive cleaning tool, because this may cause damage to the laminate. Repeat as needed for tougher stains.
General Laminate Floor Cleaning Tips
General Laminate Floor Cleaning Tips
Cleaning with a damp microfiber mop is a great option. If you need more cleaning power, use a store-bought cleaner. Read the label to make sure it is safe for laminate. Spray the cleaner onto the mop, instead of directly onto the floor. Less is more, because too much commercial cleanser can leave streaks and the floor looking dull.
Build Direct recommends cleaning laminate with ammonia and water. You can also use vinegar or a window cleaning product as alternatives. Always read the label first to be sure it is safe for laminate.
Getting Wax Out of Carpets
Getting Wax Out of Carpets
Getting wax on carpets can be tricky due to it sticking and seeping down through the fibers. The Family Handyman recommends a simple 3 step process. Start by scraping off any hardened wax with a butter knife. Vacuum up the hardened wax pieces.
Next, place a damp white cotton towel and fold it in half over the stained area. Place the hot iron, set to high, over the cloth for 10 seconds. Repeat as needed until the wax is drawn out by the heat. You may need to rewet the towel so that it stays damp. The iron can be safely placed on the towel for up to 30 seconds at a time. A hair dryer can also be used as an alternate heat source.
Lastly, spray carpet cleaner onto the affected area and let it set for a few minutes. Scrub in the carpet cleaner with a metal spoon. Pat dry the carpet with a clean white towel, then let air dry. Repeat scrubbing as necessary for darker or more stubborn wax stains.
Getting Wax Out of Stone
Getting Wax Out of Stone
This is a common problem because may people place candles in their stone fireplace. Use ice as a candle wax remover using the same method for carpets. You can the use the ironing method, but with a paper towel or paper bag instead of a cloth towel. Use the iron on the lowest setting and move it back and forth slowly over the paper towel or bag.
If the candle wax leaves a color stain, use a damp cloth and rubbing alcohol. Test a small area of the stone first to be sure it doesn't cause discoloration. If the stain is very stubborn, you can place a paper towel with rubbing alcohol on it and let it soak for a few hours. Press it firmly a few times. Allow it to dry. The dye should soak up into the paper towel and out of the stone.
If this does not work you can use a small amount of paint thinner. Test it on a small area of the stone first. Let the paint thinner sit for a minute or two. Use a paper towel or cloth towel to wipe off the paint thinner. Lastly, wash off the paint thinner with water and a sponge.