How To Remove A Carpet Stain With Club Soda

Club soda offers a simple solution for cleaning some types of spills and carpet stains. Colorful beverages, red wine and greasy spots are a few common offenders that may be removed with club soda. While club soda is gentle enough for most carpet fibers, it's always a good idea to test it and any other carpet-cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't cause damage. Don't substitute tonic water or flavored soda for club soda, as sugars and additives make the stain sticky.

Fruity Drink Stains

Fruity Drink Stains

Club soda for stains helps remove dyes from beverages such as sugary fruity drinks, punch and electrolyte drinks in artificially bold or unusual colors. Blot up as much of the liquid first with folded paper towels. When no more color comes up, douse the area with a small amount of club soda. The goal is to dilute and loosen the colorful drink from the carpet fibers rather than to soak the carpeting. Press clean paper towels or an absorbent white cloth over the area after a minute or so to absorb the liquids. Continue blotting until no more of the beverage color transfers over; then dab a damp white cloth over the area to remove any remaining club soda.

Red Wine Carpet Stains

Red Wine Carpet Stains

Club soda also helps remove red wine or grape juice from carpeting, as long as you act quickly. Blot up as much of the dark substance as possible first with folded paper towels; then wet an absorbent white cloth with club soda. Press the wet cloth over the spill area to both dilute and absorb the spill. Rinse out the cloth frequently and reapply the club soda as needed. Once the cloth absorbs some of the stain, do not press the stained area back onto the carpet. If you can still see the stain, sprinkle salt all over the damp area, giving it about 10 minutes or so to go to work on the stain. Vacuum up the salt afterwards, then wipe the area with a fresh damp cloth using plain water instead of club soda. Combining the club soda and salt methods can get rid of stubborn wine stains.

Greasy, Oily Spots

Greasy, Oily Spots

Treat greasy spots, whether caused by food or tracked in from the garage, with a bit of club soda to loosen the oils. Dab the area first with a paper towel to remove as much grease as possible; then pour enough club soda over the area to wet the spot without causing a puddle. Blot the spot again with paper towels or an absorbent white cloth. If the stain doesn't lift after several club soda treatments, mix a squirt of dish soap into a cup of warm water. Dip an absorbent white cloth into the solution; then apply the soapy water to the stain. After 10 minutes or so, blot the area with a fresh damp cloth. If the spot is large enough that it requires scrubbing, work from the outside edges of the stain toward the center to avoid spreading it farther.

Pet Stain Problems

Pet Stain Problems

If your pet mistook the carpet for a patch of grass or the litter box, club soda makes urine cleanup a bit easier. Remove as much of the offending substance as possible with paper towels; then pour enough club soda over the spot that it fizzes on the carpeting. Use just enough to notice fizzy bubbles but not to create a large puddle, which may soak the carpet fibers and create other problems. After a minute or so, blot the spot with a dry white cloth. Apply more club soda as needed to remove the odor and the spot, continually blotting to transfer the urine to the cloth. Wipe the area with a fresh damp cloth afterwards; then allow it to air dry. If the carpet still smells, sprinkle baking soda over it and vacuum it up after an hour or so.

Club soda cleaning is often an effective way to get rid of different types of stains on your carpet. Start with a gentle cleaning option like club soda to keep your carpet in good shape.
