How To Remove Sticky Trap Glue
If you use sticky traps to catch rodents or insects, the glue from them seems to get _everywhere_—your skin, hair, furniture and your hardwood floors. Luckily, it's actually pretty easy to remove the glue if you know how. See the best ways to clean sticky trap glue no matter where it gets. Also note, that live traps are a cleaner, more humane option to catch small rodents.
Cleaning Your Skin Or Hair
Cleaning Your Skin Or Hair
If your skin gets stuck on the trap, slowly peel it off and most of the glue should remain on the trap. Then, rub the affected area of your skin with cooking oil, mineral oil, baby oil or peanut butter. Let this set for a few minutes then rub the glue and oil mixture with a dry cloth. If you need to, repeat this process until the glue has been removed. Then, wash the area with soap and water (or shampoo, if your hair got stuck) until the oil comes out.
Cleaning Your Carpet, Clothes And Furniture
Cleaning Your Carpet, Clothes And Furniture
Glue can be easily peeled off once it freezes, so if it gets on something small like a pillowcase or shirt, just place it in the freezer. If the fabric is too large, put an ice pack on top of the glue and wait until it hardens. Then, scrape it away. If you have a small, hard piece of furniture that can't be damaged by the cold (i.e. electronics) then you can utilize the freezer for glue removal, as well.
Cleaning Hard Surfaces
Cleaning Hard Surfaces
To clean larger hard surfaces, use a non-damaging substance such as oil, which should work safely on most hard flooring. If it doesn't, try a paint thinner like turpentine or a glue-removal product such as Goo Gone. Wait a few minutes for the solvent to soak the glue, then wipe it with a dry cloth and wash with an appropriate cleaning solution. Make sure you test the substance on a small patch first, to ensure it doesn't damage the surface.
Cleaning Animals
Cleaning Animals
If an animal you didn't mean to trap (i.e. a pet) gets stuck, it's best to get the trap removed by a veterinarian. Try to keep the animal calm because the more it struggles, the more the glue will trap it, and keep its nose away from the trap so it doesn't suffocate. If you can't get to the vet, wear heavy gloves and massage the animal with oil, which will help loosen the glue and possibly free it. When the oil dissolves the glue, wash the animal with pet shampoo.