How To Remove Melted Plastic From Metal Or Glass
Sometimes plastic can accidentally melt and get stuck on hot metal, glass or ceramic surfaces. A plastic bowl, lid or bag can get stuck if they come in contact with a hot or even warm surface, such as a stove top, toaster or toaster oven. Removing melted plastic from metal can seem daunting once it has cooled and is firmly stuck on. However, it can be removed in a number of ways.
Cleaning With Commercial Cleansers
Cleaning With Commercial Cleansers
Your stove surface, toaster or oven may remain hot for a while, and sometimes containers, plates or bags might be accidentally placed on top of it or next to it. First, you should turn on fans and open windows to ventilate with fresh air. Be sure not to breathe in fumes and wait until the hot surface has cooled off. Use a dull knife, such as a metal or plastic butter knife, to try and peel off as much melted plastic as you can.
How To Clean Stuff recommends spraying any plastic that is still stuck on the stove with WD-40. Allow the WD-40 set in for several minutes. Next, use a razor blade to scrape off the plastic. Use caution when doing this since the razor blade could potentially scratch the stove surface. Once all the melted plastic has been removed successfully, rinse off the WD-40 with dish soap and water. Dry the stove with a paper towel or dishcloth. If you do not have WD-40 available, other equally effective alternatives include kitchen cleaners, window cleaner and glass cleaner, such as Windex or a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
Do It Yourself advises using Bar Keepers Friend for ceramic stove tops. Place a small amount of the powder on the melted plastic. Rub vigorously with a wet sponge. Repeat as needed. Bar Keepers Friend is nonabrasive and is gentle enough to use on ceramic.
Try Nail Polish
Try Nail Polish
Another alternative to cleaning melted plastic off of metal and glass surfaces is nail polish. Always test a small amount of nail polish first before using to see how your appliance reacts. Nail polish could potentially damage the surface, especially enamel stoves.
If no reaction occurs, How To Clean Stuff suggests pouring a small amount of nail polish on any remaining melted plastic and allowing it to set in for several minutes. Use a cotton ball to rub it off. Repeat until all melted plastic has been removed.
Use All-Natural Options
Use All-Natural Options
If you want to try more natural options, then baking soda is a great choice. How To Clean Stuff recommends creating a baking soda paste. Slowly add a small amount of water to the baking soda to create a pasty consistency, but not watery. Apply the paste to the melted plastic and allow it to activate for a few minutes. Use a paper towel to scrub off the baking soda and melted plastic. Do not scrub too hard, however, since baking soda is a mild abrasive and could potentially scratch the stove top surface.
You can also try using dish soap and water. Allow the suds and water to moisten the melted plastic. Use a soft bristle brush, according to How To Clean Stuff, to gently scrub off any plastic. Do use caution when cleaning a stainless steel stove since they are more sensitive to abrasion. Scrub softly to avoid any scratches. This works well for melted plastic on a pan as well.
Cleaning with Water Alone
Cleaning with Water Alone
Ice can be used according to Do It Yourself. You can apply ice to the melted plastic directly. The goal is for the ice to make the plastic harden and be easier to peel or chip off. Use a nylon scrubber if needed.
Do It Yourself also recommends boiling water. With a spoon, pour a small amount of boiling water onto the melted plastic. This will warm up the plastic and soften it. Once the plastic has softened, use a rubber scraper to scrape it off. Dry the stove top with a paper towel or cloth dish towel. Repeat as needed. Both ice and boiled water work great for ceramic and metal stove tops.
Removing melted plastic on a metal or glass appliance can be easier than it seems. There are many all-natural or chemical solutions available.