How To Remove Heavy Staples

Things Needed

  • Heavy-duty staple remover

  • Multipurpose fencing pliers


Some heavy-duty staplers are magnetic and collect the staples in a bin underneath for easy cleanup.

Fencing pliers will also remove large staples that hold any material like Christmas lights or plywood onto a wood surface.


Do not drop heavy-duty staples on the floor. Larger staples can piece through the rubber soles of shoes and injure feet.

Heavy staples are used in a variety of ways, including attaching large amounts of paper, boxes, fencing, hanging Christmas lights or installing carpet. Heavy staplers can join 200 or more sheets of paper, depending on the model. These staples are much thicker and longer than traditional staples to piece together thicker objects. Box staples are larger to hold flaps closed while objects are being shipped. A heavy-duty staple remover will pull heavy paper and box staples out. Fencing staples are used for attaching wire to wood for support posts and installing fence panels to wood posts. Multipurpose fencing pliers remove these types of heavy staples, as well as staples from a staple gun.

Paper and Boxes

Step 1

Set a stack of paper or box on a sturdy flat surface. Set a heavy-duty staple remover on the paper or box close to the staple.

Step 2

Slide the staple remover up to the staple while inserting the removal tooth or teeth under the staple's center.

Step 3

Press the staple remover handle down with one hand while holding the paper or box steady with the other hand. The supporting feet or frame will hold the staple remover in place while the tooth or teeth moves up as the handle is pressed down to remove the heavy staple.

Fencing Staples

Step 1

Hold a pair of multipurpose fencing pliers in one hand with the handles squeezed together. This action keeps the two jaws closed on the tool. Fencing pliers have a flat rough end on the jaws to grip objects firmly. One jaw has a square flat side for hammering nails and fencing staples. The other jaw has a large heavy hook to remove staples. This tool operates as a hammer, pliers and staple remover in one heavy-duty package to install, tighten and remove staples used in fencing or from a staple gun, such as is used in installing carpet or other construction projects.

Step 2

Press the hook end of the fencing pliers underneath the fencing staple center from the bottom. This may take some force against the wood if the staple is driven deep into the wood.

Step 3

Rotate the fencing pliers handle down to apply force on the wood with the square end of the pliers. As the handle pushes down against the wood, the staple pulls out of the wood. This is similar to the action of a claw hammer in removing nails.
