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How To Keep A Palm From Growing Tall

Palm trees (family Arecaceae) range from under 2 feet to more than 200 feet tall, depending on the species. With perennial ranges spanning U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 12, there's a palm for every garden or landscape, though your choices may be limited by the size of the space and your climate. To keep a palm from growing tall, plant the tree in a pot or select a naturally small species for your garden.

About Palm Trees

About Palm Trees

While the tall, swaying fronds of palm trees call to mind the warm tropics, some species tolerate temperatures down to -5 degrees Fahrenheit for short periods of time. There are more than 2,600 palm tree species worldwide.

The smallest known palm tree is the ​Dypsis minuta​, a native of Madagascar. At less than 2 feet tall, this tiny palm is a perennial in USDA zones 10b through 11. On the other end of the size spectrum is the 200-foot-tall wax palm (​Ceroxylon quindiuense​, zones 8-11). More familiar palm species include the date (​Phoenix​ ​dactylifera​, zones 9-11) and coconut (​Cocos nucifera​, zones 10-11) palms.

Choose Naturally Small Palm Trees

Choose Naturally Small Palm Trees

The easiest way to keep a palm from growing tall is to choose a naturally small palm tree species that will thrive in your climate. Even though there are a multitude of palm species, the availability of a specific palm may vary in your area.

The windmill palm (​Trachycarpus fortunei​) is known for its cold hardiness in USDA zones 7 through 11 and generally grows from 8 to 10 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide. The needle palm (​Rhapidophyllum hystrix​, zones 6-10) and dwarf palmetto (​Sabal minor​, zones 7-10) grow best in wind-protected gardens. The dwarf palmetto grows up to 6 feet tall, while the needle palm may reach 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Though both are attractive additions to home landscapes, the needle palm is best used as a backdrop due to its needle-sharp spines.

Heat-loving palms that also produce edible fruits include the pygmy date palm (​Phoenix roebelenii​, zones 10-11) and jelly, or pindo, palm (​Butia capitata​, zones 8-10). The dates produced by the 6- to 10-foot-tall pygmy date palm are edible, but seedy, while the sweet yellow-orange fruits of the jelly palm grow on 10- to 20-foot-tall trees. Jelly palm fruits are fibrous, so while they can be eaten fresh, they're more often used to make preserves and wine.

Potted Palm Trees

Potted Palm Trees

Frost-tender palms may not survive the colder winter temperatures in zone 9 and below, so consider moving your potted palm trees indoors to enjoy a year-round tropical ambiance. In addition to selecting smaller, slow-growing species, keeping the tree in a container can help slow or stunt its growth.

The classic Victorian palm, the parlor palm (​Chamaedorea elegans​, zones 10-12) grows up to 6 feet tall. Like other palms, the parlor palm prefers an evenly moist soil; water when the soil is dry to a depth of 1 inch. It tolerates low light conditions, though it prefers bright filtered light or a north-facing window. Fertilize your potted palms with a slow-release palm fertilizer once or twice a year.

When a potted palm outgrows its pot in two to three years, move it to a new container, not more than 2 inches wider than its previous home. Slide the palm out of the pot and replant with fresh potting mix at the same depth as it was in the previous container. If repotting in the same or a smaller container to slow the plant's growth, prune the roots as needed with sterilized scissors or pruners. Because plants can be damaged if you remove too much of the root ball, avoid trimming more than necessary.

Palm Trees Outdoors

Palm Trees Outdoors

Generally, trying to stunt the growth of an existing outdoor palm tree will eventually damage or even kill the tree. Cutting the trunk or topping a palm tree in an attempt to slow its growth will kill the tree, as will vigorously pruning its roots. If the tree has outgrown its space, consider removing it and planting a naturally smaller species.

Clean up your palm plant once or twice a year by pruning dead fronds and removing the flowers and fruits before they drop from the tree. Wear safety goggles, thorn-proof gloves and other safety gear; some palm trees have sharp, saw-toothed branches and spines. If working with a tall palm tree, consider hiring a professional tree trimming service.
