Flame Tree Seeds

The flame tree (​Brachychiton acerifolius​, USDA zones 9-11) is a colorful tree native to Australia. It grows in tropical climates where it is deciduous if there is a marked "dry season" and evergreen in areas with steady average rainfall. Flame tree bears large brown pods filled with seed. The plant is easy to germinate after treatments but ​takes up to 10 years to flower​. Most propagation is done by the much quicker tip cutting method.

Flame Tree Identification

Flame Tree Identification

Flame tree is an elegant leaved medium-sized tree. It can ​grow to 60 feet​ in height and grows in a natural umbrella shape. The leaves are broad and alternating along a main stem.

In spring and summer the tree bursts into color. The flowers of the flame tree are the genesis of the name. They resemble little laterns with downturned, red, curved petals.

Flame Tree Location

Flame Tree Location

Flame trees need a tropical location in order to flourish. However this doesn't mean they need the Amazonian jungles or a remote island. Outside this tree's native Australia, it also grows throughout the Americas. In the United States, trees grow best in locations such as Hawaii and Southern California.

Harvest and Treatment of Seed

Harvest and Treatment of Seed

The seed pods should be collected when they are dark in color. This indicates that they are ripe. Normally the ​pods would open after six months​ on the tree but you will want to get them before that so the seed is still intact.

Dry the pods out in the sun for a month. Force open the seed pods with a knife and collect the seed. Flame tree seeds will not germinate until they have been scarified just as it would be in nature. You can soak them in sulfuric acid or use sandpaper and manually scratch the surface of the seed.

Planting and Germination

Planting and Germination

Soak the seed in water for a day before planting. This will help soften the exterior of the seed and enhance germination. Flame tree grows in moist humic rich soil which should be mimicked for seed starting medium. You can purchase a seed starter mix or make a mixture of potting soil, peat, compost and a small amount of sand or grit for drainage.

The ​seed is sown 1/2 as deep as it is long​ into the mixture. Mist the container well and keep plastic wrap or a lid on the flat. The seed will germinate best on a heat mat and the ambient temperature needs to be at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Germination will take place within nine weeks.

Culture and Use

Culture and Use

Flame tree is tolerant of salt spray and is useful in coastal regions as a shade and ornamental tree. It has ​large shallow roots that can do serious damage to masonry and cement​ so it is not recommended for sidewalks or as a foundation tree.

The new seedlings can be set out as soon as they have several pairs of true leaves. This is generally in three to four months. The plant will ​grow approximately 5 feet per year​ but may not flower until up to 12 years. It is an attractive foliage and shade plant and the wait is worth it.
