Florida Pine Tree Varieties
Florida is a veritable treasure trove of flora and not just of the tropical variety. A number of native pine trees (Pinus spp.) also thrive in Florida's mild climate. Pine trees serve several purposes in Florida, including for wildlife habitat and commercially for lumber, paper, and holiday trees and decor.
Slash Pine Tree
Slash Pine Tree
The slash pine (Pinus elliottii, USDA zones 8-11) is the most widespread pine tree in Florida and is often mistaken for another native pine, the longleaf pine. The slash pines grow from the western panhandle to the tip of the peninsula and the Keys. According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension, the slash pine can be identified by its large, flat bark plates and large "brooms" of needles, which are 5 to 11 inches long. The slash pine is grown for its wood and pulp.
Longleaf Pine Tree
Longleaf Pine Tree
Florida's other most common pine tree variety is the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris, zones 7-9). The tree, which can grow up to 120 feet and higher, is the longest lived of Florida pine trees. Longleaf pines have a tall, straight trunk, with orange, scaly bark. The needles are long like the slash pine and are glossy. The native tree also boasts large cones and purplish flower clusters in the spring and can be found throughout the state. The longleaf has been used for ship's masts.
Spruce Pine Tree
Spruce Pine Tree
The spruce pine (Pinus glabra, zones 7-9) is short-needled with grayish bark and small cones. The native pine, found in woodlands, hardwood hammocks and along stream banks, is shade-tolerant and can grow up to 60 feet. Spruce pines also have yellow flower clusters at the ends of their branches in the spring and up to 2-inch cones, which are found in clusters.
Sand Pine Tree
Sand Pine Tree
Found in both the Atlantic and Gulf coastal and inland dune ridges, the sand pine (Pinus clausa, zones 9-10) grows to a height of approximately 40 feet. There are two types of sand pines in Florida, the Ocala sand pine and the Choctawatchee strain, which is a good choice for a holiday tree. The sand pine closely resembles the spruce pine, as they both have the smooth, gray bark. The trunk and branches of the sand pine are often twisted.
Shortleaf Pine Tree
Shortleaf Pine Tree
The shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata, zones 6-9) is found in natural stands in northern Florida and mixed hardwood stands. Growing up to 100 feet, the shortleaf pine's bark is quite distinctive with flat, broad, red-brown rectangular plates. The native tree's needles are yellow-green, 2 to 5 inches long and grow in bunches of two to three. Its cones are about 2 inches long and make good holiday decorations.
Lobolly Pine Tree
Lobolly Pine Tree
Oft confused with slash pine, the lobolly pine (Pinus taeda, zones 6-9) can grow up to 110 feet tall, with long (6- to 10-inch) needles. The IFAS Extension states that the lobolly's branches in the crown spread out, giving it a drooping appearance. It is also the fastest-growing southern pine and is widespread throughout Florida.
Pond Pine Tree
Pond Pine Tree
The pond pine (Pinus serotina, zones 7-9) is found scattered throughout the panhandle and southern-central Florida and can be confused with lobolly pines. The extension service notes on its website that tufts of needles and twigs growing on the tree trunk help to easily identify the pond pine. This native pine's needles are 4 to 8 inches long and grow in bunches of three and four. The tree has numerous short branches, a twisted trunk and top-shaped cones.