12 Things You Were Pinning In 2010

We can hardly believe it, but we've been pinning stuff for nearly a decade. Pinterest launched in 2010, and we were early adopters of the platform, getting our fix for recipes, DIYs, and fashion finds. And we still adore Pinterest! We were interested to see how much our taste has changed over the past eight years, and so we went back and explored some of our pins from the early days.

1. Paint Chip Art

1. Paint Chip Art

This is a really good idea because it's practically free — you might just piss off your local hardware store for raiding their paint sample section.

Are we still into it? Pass.

2. Color-Dipped Furniture

2. Color-Dipped Furniture

People were really into this easy way to upgrade Ikea pieces, literally dipping stool legs in cans of paint, or using tape to create cut-off points, leaving bits of furniture unpainted.

Are we still into it? Maybe. Back in 2010, salmon and white were really popular colors to try this DIY with. We'd consider it in a bolder shade.

3. Concept Movie Prints

3. Concept Movie Prints

The 2010s saw a wave of Etsy artists creating their own modern concept art for cult classic movies.

Are we still into it? As a main piece, these feel kind of gimmicky, but in the right situation we'd consider some concept movie poster art for a bathroom or office.

4. Neon Accents

4. Neon Accents

Neon — especially in pink and yellow — were the preferred hues of Pinners several years ago. You often saw the colors on electrical cords, rugs, or dip-dye projects.

Are we still into it? This still feels like something we'd come back to several times, but never fully commit to.

5. Crayon Art DIY

5. Crayon Art DIY

This DIY looked easy — you'd attach a rainbow of crayons to a canvas and then see what happens as you melt them down with a hair dryer — but this became a notorious Pinterest fail.

Are we still into it? Nerp. But can't say we were completely convinced in the first place.

6. Typography Posters

6. Typography Posters

Your house wasn't Pinterest-perfect a handful of years ago without prints that said something either inspirational or borderline ironic.

Are we still into it: Ehhhh ... we spent a lot of money getting things like this professionally framed, thinking they'd be around for a while. But they're all in the garage now.

7. Gold-Rimmed Ceramics

7. Gold-Rimmed Ceramics

Sure, ceramics with gold details have been around for ages, but back in 2010, it was like, "Whoa, you're a genius."

Are we still into it? Heck yeah. It's just all about finding pieces that aren't overly feminine.

8. Arrow Prints

8. Arrow Prints

For some reason, we all felt very nostalgic about summer camp several years ago, and you'd see arrow-inspired prints everywhere.

Are we still into it? Hard to say. Probably not so much in the styles that were popular in 2010, but if someone was doing something different these days, we'd be interested.

9. DIY Ombre Curtains

9. DIY Ombre Curtains

Did anyone actually ever do this? We kept the Pin around for ages but never actually tried it ...

Are we still into it? In a more subtle color, sure!

10. Actually, Ombre Everything

10. Actually, Ombre Everything

Ombre walls, ombre art, ombre curtains, ombre cutlery?! Literally everything was ombre.

Are we still into it? We do love ourselves a good ombre. We'd probably pass on this very bold flatware, though.

11. Chevron

11. Chevron

Chevron probably made a comeback in the 2010s because it lent itself so easily to DIYs — after all, the pattern is just a convergence of straight lines.

Are we still into it? Over it.

12. Beach Chic Decor

12. Beach Chic Decor

Didn't matter where you lived, everyone wanted a piece of beach chic life, so we were all about washed wood DIYs and driftwood.

Are we still into it? No.
