California Earthquake Resources

Natural disasters occur without warning. Therefore, assembling an earthquake kit in advance and generally planning ahead are key to survival and recovery when an event occurs. Thankfully, there are a number of government agencies, nonprofits and businesses that help citizens prepare wisely, minimize danger and recover. Take time now to familiarize yourself with these resources so that you can take appropriate action as needed.

The following resources will help you and your household to stay safe and prepare yourselves and your property for an earthquake. As you prepare, you'll feel more confident and secure. Together we can improve safety, and we can also clean up and recover when necessary.

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

The ​Department of Homeland Security​ website provides information to help you prepare now, survive during an earthquake and act safely immediately after an event. Each link at includes related links with finer details to help you prepare no matter what your individual needs and circumstances are:

The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross

The ​American Red Cross​ provides online help before, during and after an earthquake at Earthquake Safety. In addition, the Red Cross has five regional offices in California. Click on links below to find a local office and note the contact information with your important documents and on your cell phone. Local offices will coordinate and provide tangible services, such as:

  • Conducting search and rescue efforts.
  • Providing medical care.
  • Serving food and water.
  • Distributing relief supplies.
  • Building an emergency shelter.
  • Restoring communications.

The American Red Cross also helps people with recovering emotionally. For free 24/7 counseling or support, contact the Disaster Distress Helpline at 800-985-5990 or text "TalkWithUs" to 66746. If you are in immediate need of help, contact your local chapter of the American Red Cross listed below:

Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare and Ventura


  1. Kern County & Eastern Sierra: Bakersfield: 661-324-6427
  2. Pacific Coast: Camarillo: 805-987-1514; Santa Barbara: 805-687-1331
  3. Central Valley: Fresno: 559-455-1000
  4. Ventura County:

Camarillo: 805-987-1514

  1. Pacific Coast:

San Luis Obispo: 805-543-0696

  1. Orange County: Santa Ana: 714-481-5300
  2. Riverside County: Riverside: 888-831-0031
  3. San Diego and Imperial counties: San Diego Regional Headquarters: 858-309-1200; El Centro: 760-352-4541
  4. San Bernardino County:

Rancho Cucamonga: 909-888-1481

the Northern California Chapter and the Sierra-Delta Chapter.

  1. Northern California Chapter:

Yuba City: 530-673-1460

  1. Sierra-Delta Chapter:

Sacramento: 916-993-7070

  1. Bay Area: San Francisco: 415-427-8000
  2. North Bay: Santa Rosa: 707-577-7600
  3. Central Coast: Carmel: 831-624-6921
  4. Silicon Valley: San Jose: 877-727-6771
  5. Heart of the Valley: Stockton: 800-733-2767
  1. Los Angeles Regional Headquarters: 310-445-9900
  2. Greater Long Beach, South Bay, and Metro and Southeast Los Angeles: Long Beach: 562-595-6341
  3. Santa Monica Bay: Santa Monica: 310-394-3773
  4. San Gabriel Pomona Valley:

Arcadia: 626-447-2193

  1. Northern Valleys: Glendale: 818-243-3121

Other Earthquake Safety Resources

Other Earthquake Safety Resources
