Bath Products For A Whirlpool Tub
The type of bath products you can use in a whirlpool tub depends on what type of whirlpool tub you have and how well you stick to a cleaning regimen. The kind of whirlpool tub usually used outdoors remains filled at all time, such as near many pools. Never use bath products with an outdoor whirlpool tub. This can damage the hot tub and mess up the chemicals used. Indoors, you can enjoy bath products in whirlpool tubs if you use proper care.
Bath Salts
Bath Salts
Bath salts are okay to use in whirlpool tubs. Limit the amount you use and follow the cleaning and maintenance schedule set by the tub's manufacturer. This is because salt can corrode the jets after awhile. On the positive side, bath salts can add a nice scent to tub water and may help exfoliate skin a bit.
Bubble Bath
Bubble Bath
You can use bubble bath with most whirlpool tubs. But be cautious. The jets can make more bubbles than you anticipate. It's important to use only a small amount of bubbles, and rinse the tub well after using bubble bath. You want to remove any film or residue on the tub once it's empty.
Bath Oils
Bath Oils
Bath oil or bath oil beads can soften skin and add a pleasant scent to your bath. However, bath oils are generally not recommended for use with whirlpool tubs because the oil can build up in the whirlpool tub's circulation system. If you use them anyway, use sparingly and maintain the tub regularly.
Check With Manufacturer
Check With Manufacturer
These guidelines are general. Before adding any bath products to your whirlpool tub, check the manual that came with it or contact the manufacturer directly for guidance. Use only a small amount of product the first time so you can gauge how it goes and not make a mess.