How To REALLY Clean Your Coffee Machine

Coffee machines get a lot of use, and typically we only clean the pot and the outside of the coffee machine. Minerals, mildew, and oils from the beans can start to buildup inside of your machine over time, causing your beloved cup of joe to taste bleh (or sometimes straight-up gross). The good news is, it only takes a few ingredients from your pantry and a few minutes to get your coffee machine clean and ready to make a delicious, fresh brew again!

Things Needed

  • Dish soap

  • Warm water

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • Clean dish cloths (2)

Step 1

Clean all removable parts of the coffee machine. Wash the coffee pot and outside of the coffee machine using a mixture of a few drops dish liquid and some warm water. Once you have washed them, dry them off using a clean dish cloth.

Step 2

Next, clean the inside of the coffee machine. Pour 2 cups of water and 2 cups of distilled white vinegar into the coffee machine's water reservoir and set the machine to brew. Once the brewing cycle has finished, discard the vinegar and water mixture.

Step 3

To rinse the inside of the coffee machine, pour four cups of water into the coffee machine's water reservoir and set the machine to brew. Once the brewing cycle has finished, discard the water.

Step 4

Leave the lid to the water reservoir open after brewing coffee to allow the inside of the coffee machine to dry. And you're done!


This step should actually be done in after every brewing, since moisture can cause bacteria and mold buildup.

How Often You Should Clean Your Coffee Machine

How Often You Should Clean Your Coffee Machine

You should clean the inside of your coffee machine at least once of month to keep coffee fresh and to prevent mineral and mildew buildup.
