5 Necessities You Never Thought To Disinfect (But Please, Start Now)
In this new pandemic way of life, we are hyper-alert when it comes to social distancing, washing hands, and cleaning and disinfecting everything. Of course, we know the essentials: cell phone, check. Keyboards, check. Doorknobs and lights, check. Here's a list of the other things that we may have overlooked that carry more germs than cash or a New York City subway pole.
They come everywhere with us, including the gas station, the restaurant, the grocery store, work, and back home. Just wipe them down with alcohol or a disinfectant wipe every few days and you should be good to go.
Listen up, we put these germ collectors directly in our ears! Use a damp cloth with a little hydrogen peroxide and water or wipe down with mild soap to keep your ears clean.
Credit Cards
Credit Cards
We swipe for groceries, we swipe for coffee, we swipe for gas, we swipe our cards for almost every transaction ... and so does everyone else. To get these germy cards clean, wipe down with a disinfectant wipe for safer spending.
Inside of a Car
Inside of a Car
Pump the gas, jump in the car, and off we go touching the door handle, the steering wheel, radio knobs, and dashboard. A quick scrub with mild soap and water or a disinfectant wipe and you are in the clear.
Wallet and/or Purse
Wallet and/or Purse
It's cringeworthy how much bacteria we literally tote around with us everyday. You can wipe down leather purses and wallets with a soft cloth and mild soap and water.