These Craft Storage Ideas Will Inspire You To Create And Stay Organized
2020 was the year we all took up new hobbies or revisited old ones. And many a household was inspired by artists, bakers, and even TikTok makers. So when it comes to diving headfirst into arts and crafts (whether you have the space to devote an entire room or need to carve out a nook), keeping things organized and efficiently stored is a must. Because crafting means having materials to craft with. You'll want to consider what types of containers to use, accessibility, and aesthetics. And remember — the first rule of being crafty is to decrease stress and increase the fun of it all.
Here are the best ways to approach craft storage while keeping your sanity in check and that creativity flowing.
Hide things in plain view.
Hide things in plain view.
If you're like many of us and don't have an entire room to devote to crafting, you'll want to make the most out of a corner or nook in your living space. Consider adding floor to ceiling open shelving where you can slide in baskets, bins, and crates to store supplies when they're not in use. What you forfeit in square footage, you gain in peace of mind because every item will stay extra organized and tidy.
You can pick up simple shelving units at IKEA or The Container Store that will give everyone a section to store their supplies without breaking the bank.
Always keep things contained.
Always keep things contained.
No matter which craft sparks your curiosity, there are probably many parts and pieces to keep in place. Depending on what works best for your household, use clear bins so everyone can spot their supplies easily or color code containers by content and owner. Then focus on keeping stray tools tucked away. This not only prevents messes, but it also keeps things from going missing.
You may also want to invest in a label maker for specific bins. It will save you loads of headaches when you're searching for that pack of sequins for a handmade holiday accessory.
Recycle boxes and bins for the win.
Recycle boxes and bins for the win.
From milk crates to file boxes, use what you have around the house or inside your garage for some upcycled storage. Give each project, or crafter, a crate so everyone can take ownership of their stuff. You can easily slide the supplies into a closet, under a bed, or stack them in a corner when you're not in craft mode.
Not finding what you need around the house? Office supply stores like Staples sell these items on the cheap.
Hang it up.
Hang it up.
If your space is small, how about hanging a pegboard above your desk or crafting area where you can keep supplies in small organizers? It will not only keep everything in view, but it will also stop any clutter from taking over your desk or tabletops.
Add a small shelf or two above so you can artfully arrange cups and canisters to sort out paintbrushes, colored pencils, and any other items you need on hand. This cute craft supply station can even serve as a makeshift mood board.