Best Plant To Choose If You're A Sagittarius
If your Zodiac sign is Sagittarius (born between November 22 and December 21), we've found a heavenly houseplant match that meshes magically with your personality. Self-confident and enthusiastic, Sagittarius is an air sign with a love of travel and personal exploration. The sign's adventurous spirit takes them from one end of the world to the other in search of new cultures and exotic philosophies. Bright and attractive as a shiny silver coin, Sagittarius are tremendously idealistic and their sunny personalities and optimistic certainty tend to warm the blood of those around them and add color to their lives. If you are a Sagittarius, you always bring hope to the table.
We have looked far and wide to find the plant to match with this confident, freedom-loving sign, and finally can claim success. The perfect plant for you, Sag, is also brilliant, colorful and loves to wander: it's the Wandering Jew.
About The Wandering Jew
About The Wandering Jew
The Wandering Jew (Zebrina pendula or Tradescantia zebrina) is native to Mexico and Guatemala where it grows low to the ground and spreads with astonishing rapidity. In fact, it is so ready to take over space that it is considered invasive in some countries. It is a plant that seems to live forever, and it gets its common name "Wandering Jew" from a folklore character also known for incredible longevity. The typical Sag is also fit and healthy, and from this, longevity is likely to follow.
The leaves of the Wandering Jew are lance-shaped and gorgeous. Like you, Sagittarius, they can light up up any room. They grow in thick and fast on long, cascading stems, each leaf painted in eye-opening shades of purple and green, with silver stripes on the upside and rich burgundy beneath. One of the best trailing houseplants available, Wandering Jew is constantly expanding its own boundaries, just like Sagittarius, known as "the traveler of the horoscope." Put that small plant in a pot and, in a matter of weeks, the colorful foliage will be spilling over the sides of its container.
Caring for the Wandering Jew
Caring for the Wandering Jew
With its stunning foliage and incredibly fast-growing vines, it would be no surprise if the Wandering Jew required extravagant care. But just like the confidence of Sagittarius carries them forward in life, a Wandering Jew requires little assistance to thrive. Extremely hardy and easy to care for, these plants offer hope — Sag's watchword — to those who believe they cannot keep a houseplant alive.
Like a classic Sag, the Wandering Jew has its clear preferences, but it can also roll with the punches. The plant absolutely demands good drainage, but whether the soil is sand or loam, whether the site is low-light or bright, it will shrug and go on with its expansion. Water this beautiful plant whenever the topsoil feels dry to the touch.
Buying the Wandering Jew
Buying the Wandering Jew
Although exception in appearance, with its vibrant purple and rich green foliage, the Wandering Jew plant is not hard to find. The best place to begin is in your own town's garden store. Since these are popular houseplants, there is a good chance your trip will not be in vain.
Some plants have more purple, some more emerald green, so pick your favorite. Just make sure it looks happy and healthy. Don't worry if the plant is small — like a Sagittarius, this plant explores the world around it and will soon be thick with leaves. Remember, those hanging vines can grow to two feet long!
While Sag likes to travel, that doesn't necessarily include shopping trips. If you are the type who prefers to order online, never fear — you'll find quite a selection of Wandering Jew plants from familiar websites like Amazon and Etsy. Amazon offers many different cutting selections that are inexpensive and sure to root fast like Paperhome's nine Wandering Jew plant cuttings for just over $14. If you prefer a potted plant, consider California Tropical's Dark Desire that comes fully rooted in a 4-inch pot for $18.
Sagittarius is not a horoscope sign confused by lots of options. With concentrated mental power, a Sag weighs out the pros and cons in record time. That's why we aren't afraid of pointing them to Etsy, where over 4,000 Wandering Jew plant choices await their pleasure. Interested in a variation of the theme? Try a Wandering Jew with leaves that blush pink from WRCgreenhouses — a site with over 20,000 sales and a five star review.