Got Sunscreen Onto Your Furniture? Here's How To Clean
We all know the importance of wearing sunscreen, but sometimes it can get a bit messy when applying it while inside our home. Especially if you have kids. (If you're a parent, caretaker, auntie ... you know what we mean.) If some sunscreen gets on your furniture or other home items, no need to freak out. Cleaning it from carpet, couches, or chairs is easier than you may think. There are just a couple of different methods to try depending on which type of furniture you are addressing. (Treating leather is different from upholstery.) Here's what to do.
How to Clean Sunscreen from Upholstery or Carpet
How to Clean Sunscreen from Upholstery or Carpet
Step 1
Use a dry paper towel or cloth to blot up any of the sunscreen. Do not rub the sunscreen stain or it could spread even more.
Step 2
Sprinkle generously with baking soda and let it sit for 15 minutes so the sunscreen can absorb into the baking soda.
Step 3
Vacuum the baking soda up or scrape away to remove it.
Step 4
Make a mixture of two to three drops of dish liquid (Dawn works best) and one cup of water. Use a clean white cloth to dab the mixture into the stain and work in a circular motion.
Step 5
Blot the remainder of the stain and repeat Step 4 if necessary.
How to Clean Sunscreen from Leather Furniture
How to Clean Sunscreen from Leather Furniture
Sunscreen can be extremely damaging to leather, therefore the key to cleaning sunscreen off of leather furniture is to clean it as soon as possible, before it has the chance to soak in too deeply.
This method works great for removing sunscreen from boats as well.
Step 1
Use a dry paper towel or cloth to blot up any of the sunscreen. Do not rub the sunscreen stain or it could spread even more.
Step 2
Make a mixture of two to three drops of dish liquid (Dawn works best) and 1 cup of water.
Step 3
Use a clean white cloth to dab the mixture into the stain and work in a circular motion.
Step 4
Wipe clean and allow it to dry.
Step 5
Apply leather conditioner.