This Peach Pit Hack Will Make Your Kitchen Life Easier
If there's one thing we can never have too much of, it's kitchen hacks. If there's a way to make life easier in the kitchen, we want to know it — whether it comes to cooking, baking, prepping, or cleaning. Today, we found one such hack that will make anything to do with peaches so much easier.
The Peach Truck, a peach delivery service, reveals that peaches can fit into one of two types: freestone or clingstone. Both are exactly what they sound like, referring the the fruit's stone, pit, or seed.
Freestone peaches contain fruit that falls right off of the pit, making it easier for you to prep, snack on, and clean up after. All you have to do is slice the peach down the center and the fruit will easily pull away from the pit. Popular varieties, according to The Peach Truck, include Golden Jubilee, Early Amber, July Prince, and September Snow.
On the other hand, clingstone peaches feature fruit that clings to the peach's stone. Instead of simply slicing the peaches in half, you have to cut the fruit off around the pit, which can make for more prep time and more of a mess. June Prince, Flavorich, Rich Lady, and Red Beauty are a few varieties of clingstone peaches.
What is each type of peach best for?
What is each type of peach best for?
From late June through August, freestone peaches are harvested. They can be used for baking, canning, and snacking, especially since they are known for being sweet, but not too sweet.
Clingstone peaches are harvested from May to June, and can be used for baking, jellies, jams, and eating as a snack. They are sweeter and juicier than freestone peaches, but can be difficult to find in grocery stores.
If you want the best of both worlds, you can try to find semi-freestone peaches. The Peach Truck states that this hybrid "is nearly as juicy and sweet as clingstones with flesh that's much easier to remove from the pit." Florida Prince, Dixie Red, and Gold Dust are the names of a few varieties, and they are great multipurpose peaches.
Who else is now planning to bake a peach cobbler?