Nicole Gibbons: Homes Benefit From Timeless Paint Colors

"At the end of the day, we don't like to dictate choices to customers and dictate trends," says Nicole Gibbons. "We believe your home should reflect you. And, if we told everybody to go out and paint their whole home a color every year, where's the uniqueness in that for the customer and their experience?"

Nicole is the founder of Clare Paint, a direct-to-consumer paint company that delivers designer-curated colors to their customers' doorsteps.

We take a deeper dive into Clare Paint, including how her company — and their paint colors — have changed due to the pandemic. We also learn about how Nicole's childhood home and family influences her design style and aesthetic, and how she and her company believe that "your home should reflect you"— not what other companies or people dictate to you.

In this episode we talk about:

  • What drew her to creating a company focused on
  • The paint colors people are gravitating towards due
    to the pandemic.
  • Her aesthetic now compared to the home she grew
    up in, and how her mother and grandmother have inspired her design taste and
  • The nostalgic items that hold the most value for
  • Her favorite DIY projects and hacks she's done
    in the past.
  • How she got into the home design and decor space.
  • How Clare Paint chooses their paint colors: "Timeless
    over trend" is their motto. As she says, "We believe your home should reflect
  • Why her company does not like to dictate
    trends to their customers.
  • Her love for color, even though she chooses
    neutral paint colors for her home.
  • The space she enjoys most in her home.
  • What being home means to her.

Learn More About Nicole Gibbons

Learn More About Nicole Gibbons

If you want to learn more, read more, discover more about Nicole and Clare Paint, you can find more information at any of these places below.

Being Home With Hunkeris a new podcast where we explore the idea of "home" – not just as a place where you live, but as an expression of your identity. Each week we talk with designers, creatives, and artists about who they are, how they create meaningful spaces, and what "being home" means to them.

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