Eve Epstein: Homes Are Expressions Of Our Identities

"Design is never fully done, which is another thing I think we talk about a lot at Hunker," says Eve Epstein. "It's a process that you're always going through. Because if your space is really a reflection of yourself, an expression of your identity, those things change over time. The things you want to reveal about yourself ​in​ your space, also change."

Eve Epstein is the VP of Content and Editor in Chief of Hunker. Yes, ​this​ Hunker.

Eve has been at the helm of Hunker since its inception in 2017, leading the brand's voice, vision, and heart. She has a deep appreciation for design, creativity, and inclusivity. From her rich career in the world of content (including her role as the Editor in Chief at DailyCandy — if you know, ​you know​) to authoring two books, Eve is a true story-teller.

On the Being Home With Hunker podcast, Eve shares a bit about her own story, from spending summers in Japan with her mother (and how that formed her design aesthetic), to her love for DIYs and handmade items, to the progressive way she and her beau set up their home life. Of course, we dig into the world of Hunker, too. If you're curious about what Hunker is really all about, this is the show to listen to.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Hunker — the brand and its mission.
  • The ways people think about their homes due to
    the pandemic: it's now a 360 experience.
  • How our homes have become our whole kingdoms,
    not just our castles.
  • Her summers spent in Japan visiting with her
    mother, and how it formed much of her design taste and aesthetics.
  • How her grandmother had been a geisha and
    recognized master of Japanese tea ceremony.
  • How people resonate with handmade items for our
    home — that energy and care resides in those products.
  • Everything in our home has potential to have
    meaning for us, even if it's imperfect — and how this idea ties into her love for
  • Hunker House, a functioning home, design lab, and show house in Venice, California
    that was created to be an expression of the Hunker brand identity.
  • The Newsstand,
    Hunker's popup shop on Abbot Kinney in Venice, California — a space that functions
    as a real-life incarnation as our premium holiday gift guide.
  • Eve's midcentury home, an eclectic modern space with
    colorful boho accents.
  • The progressive setup of her home space — and who
    she shares it with.
  • How her home reflects her identity.

Learn More About Eve Epstein

Learn More About Eve Epstein

If you want to learn more, read more, discover more about Eve Epstein and Hunker, visit any of these places:

Being Home With Hunkeris a new podcast where we explore the idea of "home" – not just as a place where you live, but as an expression of your identity. Each week we talk with designers, creatives, and artists about who they are, how they create meaningful spaces, and what "being home" means to them.

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