Spirit Daughter: Home Is Where We Create The Life We Want

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About the Episode

About the Episode

"You want to get very detailed, but not controlling," says Jill Wintersteen about ways to manifest a home. "You want to allow for a little serendipity and you always want to come back to feeling. How do you want to ​feel​ in your new home? How do you want your new home to ​make​ you feel? What are the key aspects here? What side is the light coming in from? You know, what kind of spaces do you want? What color counters do you see? But then also be open for a little bit of magic to come your way. And then also, be grateful for the home you already have. When we're grateful for what we have already it actually helps us attract what we want."

Jill Wintersteen is a spiritual teacher and the founder of Spirit Daughter, an astrology and wellness brand. Through Spirit Daughter, Jill offers a toolkit of helpful products such as Moon workbooks, crystals, a daily gratitude journal, manifestation cards, and more. She helps millions of people manifest their highest vision and set up spaces that support their energy.

Read: Jill's Guide to Crystals for Every Room of the House

Read: Jill's Guide to Crystals for Every Room of the House

Jill breaks down which crystals are best for each space.

In This Episode We Also Talk About

In This Episode We Also Talk About

  • The spark that inspired her to start Spirit
  • Why setting our vibration first thing in the
    morning with a short gratitude practice can change our entire day.
  • The importance of having a meditation space.
  • Specific crystals that can help support us in
    our home (protection, abundance, prosperity)
  • How she manifested her home — and things people
    can do when then want to manifest a home or space for themselves.
  • Where people can start (items they can add) when
    they want to create good energy in their home.
  • Ways to set up an optimal area for our work
    spaces at home.
  • The importance of plants in our homes, and how
    where they are place matters. (Think: corners!)
  • The importance of why we should clear ourselves
    of energy before we enter our homes (and how).

Learn More About Jill Wintersteen, Spirit Daughter

Learn More About Jill Wintersteen, Spirit Daughter

If you want to learn more, read more, discover more about Jill Wintersteen and Spirit Daughter, visit any of these places:

About the Podcast

About the Podcast

Being Home With Hunkeris a new podcast where we explore the idea of "home"​ — ​not just as a place where you live, but as an expression of your identity. Each week we talk with designers, creatives, and artists about who they are, how they create meaningful spaces, and what "being home" means to them.

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