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If You're A Life Path Number 7, This Houseplant Is Ideal For You

You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​determined by your birth date​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.​​​​​​

​If you don't know your Life Path Number, click the link above ("How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number") or scroll to the bottom of this page to learn the quick equation.

About Life Path Number 7 Personalities

About Life Path Number 7 Personalities

If you are traveling along Life Path Number 7, you are a thinker, seeking underlying answers in all that comes your way. Truth and wisdom are important to you, more important than society and social life, so other people may consider you mysterious, different, a loner, and someone who is happiest by themselves.

In fact, if you were born into Life Path 7, you prefer the quiet, peaceful life of solitude. This gives you ample time to follow your highest path and hone your skills of perception and intuition with personal experience, weaving them together into a web of meaning. The number 7 is a spiritual number, and LPN 7s are attracted to spiritual pursuits.

When a LPN7 is selecting a houseplant, they will choose specimens as out-of-the-ordinary, intriguing, and eccentric as they are considered themselves. That's why we've identified a most unusual houseplant as the perfect plant for Life Path 7 travelers: the Queen of the Night orchid cactus ​(Epiphyllum oxypetalum​).

Is it an orchid or a cactus? Therein starts the mystery that may well lead LPN7s into a lifelong love affair with this secretive and unusual plant.

The Queen of the Night and LPN7

The Queen of the Night and LPN7

To Life Path Number 7 individuals, any mystery is a good mystery, and a spiritual element makes it all the more compelling. Enter the Queen of the Night. It answers both to Queen of the Night Cactus and Queen of the Night Orchid, although it little resembles a cactus and has no relationship to the orchid clan.

This tropical cactus hails from the deep rain forests of southern Mexico where it grows on the shady jungle floors. Given room enough and time, it can grow twice the height of its human, up to 12 feet tall or more. That means that, from its size alone, this houseplant — like LPN7, needs its own space and cannot be crowded in with a disparate group.

But where are the spines of this cactus? Like LNP7, the Queen of the Night defies expectation and exhibits none of the characteristics of its species. If has no spines but, instead, flattened green leaf-like stems emerging from a lumbar base. It looks like a slim, woody plant ... but it holds nothing but surprises.

Cacti typically bloom in the daytime, but not the queen of the night. Once the plant matures, it produces entrancing, orchid-like flowers, 11 inches tall and six inches across, a gorgeous pearly white — but they do not appear while the sun is in the sky. The plant waits until dusk for its flowers to open, releasing its mesmerizing aroma. Each blossoms lasts but a day and by dawn it is spent. But every day a new floret is born from the bud, resulting in a succession of fragrant, astonishing blooms.

The easy eccentricity of this houseplant will capture the active imagination of a Life Path 7 traveler, who lives to learn and delves happily into any mystery. In addition, the plant's spiritual element will add to its allure for LPN7s. Queen of the Night is also known as ​Brahmakamala,​ one of the sacred flowering cactus is Hinduism. The plant's flowers are considered a harbinger of goodwill and prosperity.

Buying a Queen of the Night

Buying a Queen of the Night

If you were born into Life Path Number 7, you are happiest when you are learning, answering questions and working out the way things work. To you, the journey is as important as the destination, and the experience of discovering the Queen of the Night will prove exciting, stimulating, and endless.

A trip to the local garden store will be unpleasant for LPN7, who prefers being home alone to mingling in commercial establishments. This is a perfect time to use your Amazon Prime membership, and you'll find more than one option from this online store. We love the professionally grown orchid cactus in a grower's pot from the Easy to Grow Store. At under $15, it can be delivered to your door in short order.

But there are other options. Life Path Number 7s are practical and proficient with their hands, a natural craftsman/craftswoman, and enjoy taking a hands-on approach to life. So why not order Queen of the Night cuttings to plant and raise yourself? Mother Nature's Garden Store proposes two for a tad under $11, while offers two for around $25. Finding the best soil and ideal pot will be right up a LPN7's alley, and there may be more connection with the Queen of the Night by raising it personally.

Etsy comes through with plenty of Queen of the Night options, allowing LPN7 to collect the plants at their door. If the photos in Garden Harvest Nursery are accurate, their rooted cutting is magnificent for under $16. Fijiplant's large cuttings also have plenty of great reviews, and Zensability's low price of $9.50 for a 4-6 inch cutting may be the lowest around.

But if you would rather start the houseplant journey with a mature plant, who can blame you. If price is no object, consider the superb 20-inch Queen of the Night offered by Anne's Plates and Plants for $150. An orchid cactus of this size is indeed a rare and wonderful find.

How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number

How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number

The formula to get your Life Path Number is quite simple: you add together the numbers making up your birthday year, your birthday date, and your birth year. Each calculation should be done separately and reduced to a one-digit number or one of the master numbers, 11, 22, and 33. The master numbers are not reduced further until the end.

For example, someone born on 08/24/1986 would proceed as follows:

  • 1) Calculate the month [add 0 + 8 = 8]
  • 2) Calculate the date [2 + 4 = 6]
  • 3) Calculate the year [1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24]
  • 4) If the sum is a two digit number, continue to add digits together to get to a single digit [2 + 4 = 6]
  • 5) Add the three single digits for month, day and year to get your Life Path Number; 8 + 6 + 6 = 20
  • 6) If the sum is two digits, keep calculating until you get a single
    digit: representing the Life Path Number: 2 + 0 = 2: Life Path Number 2

Note that 11, 22 and 33 are "master numbers." If any of your additions yields this number, do not break it down further by adding the two identical digits together. For example, with a birth date of 07/29/1974:

  • 1) 0 + 7 = 7
  • 2) 2 = 9 = 11 [do not break down further here]
  • 3) 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 + = 21; 2 + 1 = 3
  • 4) 7 + 11 + 3 = 21; 2 + 1 = 3: Life Path Number 3

​​​You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​determined by your birth date​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.​​​​​​
