If You're A Life Path Number 8, This Houseplant Is Ideal For You
You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number — determined by your birth date — is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.
If you don't know your Life Path Number, click the link above ("How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number") or scroll to the bottom of this page to learn the quick equation.
About Life Path Number 8 Personalities
About Life Path Number 8 Personalities
Are you traveling Life Path Number 8? Money and the power it wields are at the center of your happiness. The digit "8" is the infinity sign in numerology, symbolizing the infinite flow and balance of energy and power. In terms of a Life Path Number, it represents authority, material wealth, ambition, and the need for caution.
As a LPN8, you are bubbling over with ambition and determination. Combine this with your hardworking ways and instinctive knowledge of how to get ahead, and you are almost assured of financial security. This is very important to you. However, your highest goal is to learn how to use your wealth to serve the greater world.
Since money is central to the concerns of a LPN8, we've found a houseplant that will assist you along the way: the Chinese money plant (Pilea peperomioides). It has a modern look that will appeal to your sensibilities and its coin-shaped foliage will help you stay on track. The plant can also help you keep larger goals in mind, since it is a "pass-it-along" plant, easy to propagate and share with others.
The Chinese Money Plant and LPN8
The Chinese Money Plant and LPN8
Life Path Number 8 individuals are ideal role models when it comes to discipline, hard work, goal orientation and attaining material fulfillment. However, success is rarely a one-way street and comes with challenges and setbacks. LPN's real strength is in bouncing back after the inevitable falls, and starting again.
That's why a Chinese money plant is so perfect for the LPN8. It's an Asiatic evergreen perennial succulent, native to southern China. It is primarily grown for its dark green, coin-shaped leaves, measuring up to four inches in diameter and standing upright on a long petiole. It grows amazingly quickly, only requiring bright indirect light and well-draining soil to thrive.
The perfectly round leaves make this a highly decorative plant, but its hidden powers might be helpful too. This plant is reputed to bring with it the energy of good fortune, important for one planning on financial abundance. Like LPN8, it is a survivor and can regrow easily from cuttings to replace a failing plant or to share with others.
Buying a Chinese Money Plant
Buying a Chinese Money Plant
Given the recent surge in popularity of the Chinese money plant, it is entirely possible to find these beauties in a local garden stores. For example, a trip to a store like Home Depot can yield a few choices. Their nursery currently offers a Chinese money houseplant for $41.47.
Since LPN8s are so busy making things happen in the world (and increasing their own material wealth), online purchasing might be easiest. It just takes a minute from the LPN8's to-do list and then is delivered to your door. Look at Amazon's selection to get started. California Tropicals offers a fully-rooted plant in a 4-inch pot for the very reasonable price of just under $15, shipping included. The Rooted Store has a similar plant with a 14-day guarantee for a few dollars more. If more is better, as is often the case with LPN8s, try Optiflora's offer of two plants in 2-inch pots for under $20.
Etsy, as usual, comes through with dozens of specimens. We love the ready-to-hang Chinese money plant hanging basket, offered by Tropicalgreenleaves for just over $22.00. The container is six inches across and the plant looks lovely. Or if you're on one of your very rare frugality kicks, LPN8, here's a low-cost selection. AetherPlantShop offers a healthy-looking money plant for well under $10.
How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number
How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number
The formula to get your Life Path Number is quite simple: you add together the numbers making up your birthday year, your birthday date, and your birth year. Each calculation should be done separately and reduced to a one-digit number or one of the master numbers, 11, 22, and 33. The master numbers are not reduced further until the end.
For example, someone born on 08/24/1986 would proceed as follows:
- 1) Calculate the month [add 0 + 8 = 8]
- 2) Calculate the date [2 + 4 = 6]
- 3) Calculate the year [1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24]
- 4) If the sum is a two digit number, continue to add digits together to get to a single digit [2 + 4 = 6]
- 5) Add the three single digits for month, day and year to get your Life Path Number; 8 + 6 + 6 = 20
- 6) If the sum is two digits, keep calculating until you get a single
digit: representing the Life Path Number: 2 + 0 = 2: Life Path Number 2
Note that 11, 22 and 33 are "master numbers." If any of your additions yields this number, do not break it down further by adding the two identical digits together. For example, with a birth date of 07/29/1974:
- 1) 0 + 7 = 7
- 2) 2 = 9 = 11 [do not break down further here]
- 3) 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 + = 21; 2 + 1 = 3
- 4) 7 + 11 + 3 = 21; 2 + 1 = 3: Life Path Number 3
You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number — determined by your birth date — is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.