Rachel Moriarty: A Maximalist's Approach To A Colorful Home And Life

"If you can't be yourself at home, where else are you playing small?," asks Rachel Moriarty. "If you're letting your neighbor or your mom or somebody in your head (you know that voice in your head), influence your home and your style, like, where else is that playing out? For me, it's always been a place of self-expression, of self-discovery, it just gives me the foundation."

On the Being Home With Hunker podcast we feature Rachel Moriarty, an award-winning interior designer based out of San Diego, California.

Rachel loves to celebrate color (in her work and her personal style) and her multicultural roots. They go hand-in-hand. She is an example of what finding joy in our work looks like. Her style is colorfully coastal, and as she says, this either magnetizes people to her or repels them. ("If you don't like color, you need not apply!") She describes herself as an introvert in extrovert clothing and has had a career path where every job along the way has been preparing her for the work she does as an interior designer. Rachel also shares how she prepares herself daily to tap into her creativity — and how she works ​with​ her ADHD to get into that creative space.

As she says, the more fun she has, the better it gets: the better her projects get, and the better her clients get. If you want to smile today, then listen to this podcast just to hear her infectious laugh. We dare you not to feel inspired after hearing this conversation.

In this episode we also talk about:

  • How her multi-cultural roots influence her as a
    designer – and how important she realized it is for her to represent who she is
    to the public.
  • How she was encouraged at a young age to self-express
    and to celebrate her creativity.
  • How she started DIYing at a young age with her
    mom, hanging wallpaper, installing backsplashes, and sewing together.
  • How she started her business by helping clients
    style their homes with things they already owned: repurposing, restyling, and
    reusing. (And she shares some styling tips.)
  • All her past careers that have given her the
    skills to be an interior designer, including art direction, prop stylist,
    marketing, banking, and print advertising.
  • The joy she feels when sharing with her community
    on social media and working on all her projects.
  • How the more fun she has, the better it gets,
    the better her projects get, and
  • The course she teaches called Visibility for
    Creatives, and how she coaches designers on marketing and branding.
  • How she sets up her home to reflect her identity
    (hint: color and Grateful Dead posters play a BIG role!).

Learn More About Rachel Moriarty

Learn More About Rachel Moriarty

Rachel Moriarty is a San Diego-based, award winning interior designer. Her work has been featured in publications such as Vision Magazine and San Diego Home and Garden Lifestyle, and she has also been featured on HGTV and The Design Network. And in addition to her design work, she also teaches Visibility Coaching to other interior designers on digital strategy and positioning. If you want to learn more, read more, discover more about Rachel Moriarty, visit any of these places:

Being Home With Hunkeris a new podcast where we explore the idea of "home"​ — ​not just as a place where you live, but as an expression of your identity. Each week we talk with designers, creatives, and artists about who they are, how they create meaningful spaces, and what "being home" means to them.

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