3 Ways To Create A Meditation Space You'll Actually Use
Whether you have a daily meditation practice, or you've been saying that you want to start meditating (but haven't fully committed to it yet), having a dedicated meditation space at home matters.
Here I'll talk about why this space matters and then I'll cover some simple ways to set it up. (And, check out my top essentials to add: scroll to the end to see all my product picks!)
Why a Meditation Space Matters
Why a Meditation Space Matters
I've been meditating consistently now for a few years after learning Transcendental Meditation in 2020 — shortly before the pandemic hit. It keeps me feeling grounded, connected, and was also the catalyst for my creating a daily morning practice that now includes other things like journaling and reading. It's extremely meaningful to me.
What I've loved learning about meditation is that, in addition to all the usual things you hear about meditation (like helping to reduce stress and anxiety), it turns out that we're all hardwired for spirituality. It's not something for some people, it's something for all of us. This is discussed in a great book by Dr. Lisa Miller called "The Awakened Brain" where she says that studies of the brain based on MRI findings and neuroscience show that each of us has a natural capacity to be conscious of—and to connect to—something greater than ourselves.
So, what does this mean? It means that we're naturally spiritual people and therefore it should be natural for us to meditate.
But the question is: why doesn't it feel more natural to actually sit down and meditate? It's because you haven't set up the right space for it.
Enter the importance of your environment: your home.
This is something that James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits," talks about when wanting to set up beneficial habits, like a regular meditation practice.
He says that motivation, talent, or effort is overvalued and that our environment matters more. Our environment—what we surround ourselves with—is a huge predictor of our success when trying to add something new to our lives.
So, if you want to meditate, if you're someone who wants to identify as a meditator, how you create your environment—your meditation space at home—matters.
What to Do
What to Do
Here are three totally doable things to try, each with some simple tips and takeaways, so you can set up your own meditation space ASAP.
First, design a dedicated space. You want to make your meditation space visible so that it prompts you to meditate. And you don't need an entire room to create this. Do things like place a meditation pillow upon an area rug or a pretty yoga mat in your living room or a corner of a room. Or, set up an altar space with a buddha statue and salt lamp next to a window flowing with natural light that you pass by every morning. You can also do a simple trick like putting a sticky note next to your coffee machine that says something like, "First meditation. Then, coffee."
Spiritual teacher and founder of Spirit Daughter, Jill Wintersteen, says
"So, you want a space where you feel good, you feel safe, it can be yours in some way, even if it's a corner of your bedroom or your living room, you want a space. And a space where you can have your meditation cushion out all the time, because if your meditation cushion is out all the time, you will sit on it." She continues, "When it's out, it's psychological, you'll just go sit on it. If you have to pull that meditation cushion out of the closet or somewhere and you have to pull it out and set it up every day, I guarantee you're going to meditate less."
When I wanted to get into a regular meditation routine, here's what I set up:
Since I meditate on my living room couch, what I do is I place a moveable altar (which is a large round metal tray) on my coffee table each night—right in front of my couch. My altar has all the things I like to use when I meditate, like tarot cards, crystals, and candles. It's perfect for small spaces.
I also set out my journals and books that I use after meditating, so that when I pass by it each morning, I have that reminder to sit and meditate. Everything is there and ready for me, and I don't have to think about it in the early morning when I'm not fully awake. I've done it so many times now that it's become a habit.
There are so many things you can add to your meditation area to make it attractive, to draw you to it, and to match your interior design. Set it up so that you are encouraged you to go there. Personal touches are important here. (See below for my meditation space must-haves.)
I suggest focusing on the senses: sight, smell, sound, and touch. (Taste comes later for me: I always have my beloved cup of coffee after I meditate.)
For sight, consider adding a small vase with flowers, candles, or a diffuser with aromatherapy. I use small, white, scentless tealight candles and place them in a mercury glass candle holder. The tealights are great because they don't flicker and they last a while. Also, natural elements like some greenery is always nice, such as a little succulent .
For smell, add incense sticks or dried herbs like lavender or cedar. If you don't like smoke, an energy clearing room spray is really a great choice. You can buy these or make your own if you're into DIYing. On Hunker we have this gorgeous DIY energy-clearing spray that incorporates moon water, which essentially is water infused with the light and energy of the moon, along with a variety of essential oils. Or, if you prefer a scented candle, go for it.
For sound, add a singing bowl or little chimes. I've got a little metal bowl and a mallet – and when I tap the bowl, it gives off a nice little ding sound. I do that to set the tone before meditation.
And for touch, add some mala beads or crystals that you can hold while meditating. If crystals are new to you, here's what Spirit Daughter Jill Wintersteen suggests:
"I always suggest meditating with Lemurian. That's a wonderful crystal to meditate with. But it really depends on what you're going for. And again, it kind of goes back to setting that frequency for the day. So if you are trying to cultivate more compassion in your life, meditate with a rose quartz palm stone If you're trying to access your intuition, meditate with a moon stone palm stone or a moon stone sphere." She goes on to say, "I like to meditate with a shungite sphere near me because Shungite is a very protecting stone, or obsidian. So that puts this, you know, energetic protection energy around me when I'm meditating.
I have all those that she mentioned, and then also use smokey citrine which is good for grounding and manifesting, and selenite for clarity and clearing negative energy.
The good news is that you don't need to spend a lot of money on setting up a sacred space to meditate. The candles I use are cheap little white votive candles from Amazon. You can grab flowers from the grocery store or your backyard. Find a cushion that's made for meditating, or you can do what I do and sit on your couch if that's what feels best. Cover yourself with a lovely, comfy blanket, and make it feel effortless.
The key is to make it so obvious, attractive, and easy that you're inspired to show up every day. And if you're like me, you'll get a jolt of excitement every time you see your meditation setup because you'll have that cue of how good you feel every time you sit down and give yourself this time to tune in.
Essential Products for Your Meditation Space
Essential Products for Your Meditation Space
Below are links to all the products that I can personally attest to as helpful meditation room ideas. Pick and choose from them to make your home meditation space your own. It's all about your well-being and elevating your home vibes. Have fun!