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If You're A Life Path Master Number 11, This Houseplant Is Ideal For You

You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number​​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​​determined by your birth date​​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​​is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.​​​

​If you don't know your Life Path Number, click the link above ("How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number") or scroll to the bottom of this page to learn the quick equation.​​​​​

About Life Path Number 11 Personalities

About Life Path Number 11 Personalities

Think of Life Path Numbers as blueprints for living. If yours is Number 11, you were born into one of the "master numbers," possessing powerful energy and incredible potential. The Life Path Number 11 vibration is empathetic, emotional, charismatic, inspirational, and inventive. If this sounds like a lot to live up to, it is, but LPN11 can handle it!

People traveling Life Path 11 have the capacity to inspire others and change the world, not by doing anything but simply by being who they are. And all this power is not always evident and never openly flaunted. Rather, it is often hidden behind a shy and introspective exterior.

LPN 11s have a distinct spiritual element but they also display many practical qualities that make them excellent mentors and role models: they finish what they start, handle difficult situations with grace, and are persuasive rather than forceful when trying to get their point across. These exceptional individuals impress the world simply by being themselves, and we've scouted out a houseplant that does the same: the dwarf Meyer lemon tree (​Citrus × meyeri​ 'Improved'), a houseplant that, like a LPN 11, offers both inspiration and practical gifts.

The Meyer Lemon and LPN 11

The Meyer Lemon and LPN 11

Life Path Number 11 individuals seem larger than life. (Think Michelle Obama, Nelson Mandela, and Ronald Reagan.) They knock us over with their quiet strength and, in doing so, often change the way we see the world. If this is your Life Path, you take center stage without trying and offer hope to others in spiritual and practical ways.

A Meyer lemon houseplant also attracts attention without effort. Start with its size — the dwarf variety that we recommend for indoor growing can grow to four or five feet tall indoors in pots — and sports elegant, shiny foliage in a rich, dark green. But that is not all. Add in the lovely white flowers that appear all year long, filling a room with an out-of-this-world fragrance, and offering a calming, joyful ambiance even in the middle of winter.

In time, if the houseplant is sited where it gets plenty of sun, the flowers develop into delicious yellow citrus fruit; the branches can hang heavy with them. Like the LPN11 individual, Meyer lemon fruit is a surprising mix: The tang of lemon is softened by the sweetness of the its hybrid parent, the mandarin orange.

Given all this, who can deny that a Meyer lemon houseplant brings harmony to any environment? Like Life Path Number 11 travelers, these easy-care fruit trees just keep giving, offering both pleasure and nurture to those around them.

Buying a Meyer Lemon Houseplant

Buying a Meyer Lemon Houseplant

Finding a dwarf Meyer lemon plant is not difficult for a LPN11, considering the other challenges they rise to every day. Given the popularity of this houseplant, it is entirely possible that nurseries or garden stores in your neighborhood will stock a few. And some even offer shipping. We like the 1- to 2-foot tall specimen offered by Brighter Blooms Nursery for under $25 that can ship in a few days. But the selection at Spring Hill Nursery is also appealing. They offer a young tree in a 6-inch pot for around $60 as well as a 2-quart pot, under less than $80.

Amazon's selection is also excellent and they will deliver to your door. Growing a tree from seed might appeal to the creative side of a LPN11, so check out the 10 seeds offered by Clayton Farms for under $10. Or get a small plant (three to six inches) from Nature Garden that will surely flourish under the care of a Life Path Number 11 soul. The Citrus Store's plant — at least 15 inches tall — is yet another great option, offered at $65.

As usual, Etsy has enough choices to drive some of us mad. But the calm, inspired mindset of those on Life Path 11 will make picking out exactly the right plant an easy matter. We love the 4- to 5-foot tree from Best Trees at just over $100, but check out the 800 plus other dwarf Meyers in all sizes.

How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number

How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number

The formula to get your Life Path Number is quite simple: you add together the numbers making up your birthday year, your birthday date, and your birth year. Each calculation should be done separately and reduced to a one-digit number or one of the master numbers, 11, 22, and 33. The master numbers are not reduced further until the end.

For example, someone born on 08/24/1986 would proceed as follows:

  • 1) Calculate the month [add 0 + 8 = 8]
  • 2) Calculate the date [2 + 4 = 6]
  • 3) Calculate the year [1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24]
  • 4) If the sum is a two digit number, continue to add digits together to get to a single digit [2 + 4 = 6]
  • 5) Add the three single digits for month, day and year to get your Life Path Number; 8 + 6 + 6 = 20
  • 6) If the sum is two digits, keep calculating until you get a single
    digit: representing the Life Path Number: 2 + 0 = 2: Life Path Number 2

Note that 11, 22 and 33 are "master numbers." If any of your additions yields this number, do not break it down further by adding the two identical digits together. For example, with a birth date of 07/29/1974:

  • 1) 0 + 7 = 7
  • 2) 2 = 9 = 11 [do not break down further here]
  • 3) 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 + = 21; 2 + 1 = 3
  • 4) 7 + 11 + 3 = 21; 2 + 1 = 3: Life Path Number 3

​​​​​You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number​​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​​determined by your birth date​​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​​is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.​​​​​​​​
