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If You Have A Life Path Master Number 33, This Houseplant Is Ideal For You

You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number‌​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​‌determined by your birth date‌​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​‌is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.‌​​

​If you don't know your Life Path Number, click the link above ("How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number") or scroll to the bottom of this page to learn the quick equation.​​​​​

About Life Path Number 33 Personalities

About Life Path Number 33 Personalities

Life path number 33 is one of the three incredible master numbers: 11, 22, and 33. The repeated digits give an individual born into a master sign power and potential far beyond the scope of other LPNs. Their vibrations are supercharged and magnified.

If you are a LPN 33, think of yourself as a Master Teacher. You devote your time to uplifting the positive energy of humankind rather than being concerned with personal ambition. People with this master number may become guides, teachers, and counselors, but they can also go on to alter the course of human life for the better. Those who fall into this vibration may have what it takes to be a great, influential, and significant spiritual leader.

If you are traveling this path, you are generous, kind, and extremely compassionate, helping out, comforting others, and offering the proverbial shoulder for others to cry on. Remember that great song by Bill Withers: "Lean on Me"? That could be the LPN 33 theme song.

The exceptional individuals with the LPN 33 vibration impact the world by their ability to help, heal, and comfort others, and we've scouted out a houseplant with similar impact:the Aloe vera (‌Aloe vera‌) — the "plant of life." It's one of those magical plants with extraordinary healing qualities, as well as the ability to purify the air and bring protection to any space.

The Aloe Vera and LPN33

The Aloe Vera and LPN33

Life Path Number 33 individuals want to improve the lives of those around them. If you are traveling this master number life path, you heal others by helping them in both spiritual and practical ways. LPN 33s have a distinct spiritual element but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are religious. In fact, their spiritual knowledge is an inner experience expressed through their character.

The aloe vera also has a distinct spiritual element and is routinely listed among the top spiritual plants. In time, if an aloe houseplant is sited where it gets enough sun, orange-yellow flowers develop on tall stalks that emerge from center of the plant. The living energy of the aloe plants is said to naturally attracts positivity and invites positive energy into your home. Aloe is a succulent perennial with long, spiky, grey-green leaves growing in a rosette form. The gel inside the puffy aloe "fingers" is the healing property.

Aloe's healing attributes are legendary, and it is well loved around the world and has been used medicinally for some 5,000 years. Studies have shown that aloe can treat and cure many ills. It can heal and even prevent radiation burns, ease the pain of burns and cut the healing time in half, heal ulcers and skin conditions.

Given all this, it's hard to deny that an aloe vera houseplant brings positive vibes to any environment. Like Life Path Number 33 travelers, these easy-care succulents never stop helping and healing people around them.

Buying an Aloe Vera Houseplant

Buying an Aloe Vera Houseplant

Despite the spiritual core of the LPN 33 individual, the Master Teacher is also extremely practical. That means that the search for an aloe vera houseplant is not likely to feel overwhelming.

And, in fact, this plant is extremely popular and available in most nurseries and garden stores. As an LPN 33, you will want to support local businesses if possible so shop the neighborhood first. Even your local Home Depot store might have one in stock like the 6-inch plant in a panterra clay pot offered by Altman plants for under $20. The store also offers to ship a wide variety of other aloes. We're crushing on the Costa Farms aloe in a ceramic pot printed with cacti images.

But if it comes down to buying this houseplant online, the options are almost unlimited. Amazon's selection will keep you busy comparing and contrasting. Check out the Aloe in a 3.5 inch pot for under $14 with free shipping from T4U. Costa Farms' aloe is also particularly appealing. It's 7 inches tall and comes in an elegant two-tone planter.

If you're ready to dive into the range of aloes out there, head straight to Etsy. You'll find big plants, small plants, babies, mature aloes. As a LPN 33, you'll know your own mind, but we have a decided preference for the aloes from Thorsen's Greenhouse, particularly the one for $24 in a woven banana-leaf basket.

Plants for Other Life Path Numbers

Plants for Other Life Path Numbers

How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number

How to Figure Out Your Life Path Number

The formula to get your Life Path Number is quite simple: you add together the numbers making up your birthday year, your birthday date, and your birth year. Each calculation should be done separately and reduced to a one-digit number or one of the master numbers, 11, 22, and 33. The master numbers are not reduced further until the end.

For example, someone born on 08/24/1986 would proceed as follows:

  • 1) Calculate the month [add 0 + 8 = 8]
  • 2) Calculate the date [2 + 4 = 6]
  • 3) Calculate the year [1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24]
  • 4) If the sum is a two digit number, continue to add digits together to get to a single digit [2 + 4 = 6]
  • 5) Add the three single digits for month, day and year to get your Life Path Number; 8 + 6 + 6 = 20
  • 6) If the sum is two digits, keep calculating until you get a single
    digit: representing the Life Path Number: 2 + 0 = 2: Life Path Number 2

Note that 11, 22 and 33 are "master numbers." If any of your additions yields this number, do not break it down further by adding the two identical digits together. For example, with a birth date of 07/29/1974:

  • 1) 0 + 7 = 7
  • 2) 2 = 9 = 11 [do not break down further here]
  • 3) 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 + = 21; 2 + 1 = 3
  • 4) 7 + 11 + 3 = 21; 2 + 1 = 3: Life Path Number 3

​​​​‌You know your astrological sign, but are you up to speed on Numerology? It is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. Your Life Path number‌​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​‌determined by your birth date‌​​​​​​​ — ​​​​​​​‌is the most influential numerology number, describing your character, including specific tendencies and traits that will impact and shape your life.‌​​​​​​​
