The Millennials Have Come For Wall Spackling With This New Kit
Anyone who's lived somewhere with walls is all too familiar with the woes of unsightly nail holes. Not to mention, other eye soars like cracks, crevices, and dents. These pesky blemishes can be so irritating in fact, that dorm dwellers, apartment renters, and homeowners alike may avoid hanging up wall art altogether just to avoid the struggles of dealing with the mess left behind.
The paint pros over at Soto have met this problem head on, developing their very own Premium 7-Piece Spackle Nail Hole Filler Kit. The kit includes spackle, a spackle knife, a sanding block, a tube key, a towel, gloves, all smartly stored in a savvy canvas rollup case inspired by artists.
The "ultra premium" spackle took over a year to perfect, with Soto in pursuit of a product that is both easy to use and produces a seamless finish. It should be noted that this is a lightweight spackle, designed to not shrink. This means it's slightly grainy, so it might need to be sanded down once dry. Meanwhile, the spiffy spackle knife was designed with a stainless steel blade and solid wood handle.
The kit is available with spackle in five different colors — Perfect White, Gesso White, Situ White, Artisan White, and Rough Sketch — at $19.95 a kit. As your one-stop spackling shop and the key to the freedom to finally hang up wall art, less than 20 bucks is a steal!
You can also buy these products individually at your local Lowe's or Home Depot — and it may even cost you less — but if you're the person who likes to have everything in one place, or the person who doesn't know where to begin, this gear is for you.
More wall maintenance hacks
More wall maintenance hacks
Here are a few other handy tricks to keep up your sleeve when dealing with wall imperfections: