Make A Spindle-Inspired Lamp Using Spackle

We love the look of spindle furniture. It is classic and timeless. The rounded edges of the spheres complement any style of home decor.

So for our latest IKEA hack, we decided to create a spindle-inspired lamp by transforming a basic ARSTID table lamp using spackle, styrofoam balls, and textured paint. This adds an interesting texture to the lamp — and we just love the look!

Step 1

Use a cordless power drill and an 3/8 spade drill bit to make a hole in the middle of the styrofoam balls. For this project, we used five 2-inch balls.

Step 2

Then, use an X-Acto or craft knife to cut the balls in half.

Step 3

Warm up your glue gun and adhere each half of the ball onto the lamp post.

Step 4

Secure the balls with painters tape and allow to dry.

Step 5

Apply the spackle onto the styrofoam balls to add some texture. This will also fill in any holes between the balls. Allow to dry overnight.

Step 6

Once dry, gently sand the spackle to smooth. You can sand as much as you would like — it all depends on how much texture you want.

Step 7

Prep paint by adding a tablespoon of baking soda into the acrylic craft paint. Paint the base of lamp and all of the styrofoam balls.

Step 8

Add a second coat of paint to the base.
