This Pickled Avocado Recipe Is A Pretty Big Dill

Pickles are having a moment right now, with people trying to pickle almost everything in the produce and fruit sections of the grocery store. TikTok user @linder_surprise is getting in on the pickling fun, showing us in a recent video how they experimented with pickling an avocado.


Universally beloved, it was only a matter of time before someone tried to pickle an avocado, and Linda walks us through their process of doing so in a TikTok tutorial.

Typically the bane of avocado eaters everywhere, Linda tells us to start off with an unripe avocado. Then, you cut the avocado into quadrants, removing the pit and peeling off the rind. Linda cautions that removing the rind from an unripe avocado is a bit trickier than that of a ripe avocado, but it should still be easy enough. Once the avocado is in quarters, cut each of those pieces in half to create eighths. This will give you the right sized pieces for optimal pickling.

Place these avocado slices into a mason jar, along with two garlic cloves and some chili flakes. Set this aside while you work on the vinegar solution. This concoction requires half a cup of vinegar, half a cup of water, an eighth cup of sugar, and half a teaspoon of salt, all stirred together in a bowl. Once combined, place the solution on the stove and bring to a boil.


Now, the ingredients are ready to be combined. Pour the vinegar solution into the mason jar of avocados, and let it cool for about 30 minutes before covering it with plastic wrap. Put the mason jar into the refrigerator and wait for 24 hours.

In a subsequent video taken the next day, the creator shows off their newly pickled avocados. They observe that the color is a bit more murky, the texture is chewy, and the flavor is garlicky with an avocado aftertaste.

"I don't hate it," they say. Give it a try and find out for yourself.

