These Are The States Renters Are Moving To — And Away From

According to a new study by Rent., renters are currently on the move and looking to relocate. Mix the rising cost of living and increased rent prices with a highly competitive housing market (not to mention lingering pressures from the pandemic), and you have leasers searching for a new place to call home. Many are even willing to leave their city and state to find it.

The state with the highest interest from renter's is the Midwest's North Dakota, with New Jersey coming in at number two. The Northeast is popular with New Hampshire in the fourth spot, and the South's Louisiana and Mississippi rounding out the top five.

Outmigration is especially high in cities across the country — like Chicago, New York City and Atlanta. Even though the Midwest is relatively affordable and two states with inbound leads are in the Northeast, Illinois and New York lead the pack with the highest percentage of renters looking to relocate. Check out the full list below.

Top five states renters are moving to:

Top five states renters are moving to:

  1. North Dakota
  2. New Jersey
  3. Louisiana
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Mississippi

Top five states renters are moving away from:

Top five states renters are moving away from:

  1. Illinois
  2. New York
  3. Maine
  4. Georgia
  5. Colorado

You can read the full report here.
