This Genius Artist Used Food To Recreate Popular Sofas

Have you ever noticed how raviolis look kind of like pillows? Or how marshmallows seem like they'd be incredibly soft and comfortable to lie on top of? The Montreal-based furniture company Élément de Base has taken these whimsical imaginings to the next level, partnering with designer Gab Bois to interpret five of the brand's couches in miniature food form.


In a creative and clever brand activation released in a series of Instagram posts last week, Élément de Base and Bois created a loveseat out of pasta, a sectional to mimic a BLT, a modular sofa with roasted marshmallows, a sectional comprised of strawberry and cream angel food cake, and a breakfast table with sliced white bread.

Élément de Base notes in each Instagram post caption that all of these creations are completely handmade by Bois, without any computers involved whatsoever. The slogan for the campaign translates from French to "sofas to bite for."

There are many enthusiastic responders in the comments on each post. "Just sayin', I'd buy a bunch of ravioli pillows if they were ever made," replies one user to the pasta loveseat.


Which one is your favorite?

