Ina Garten's Living Room Couches Are An Unexpected Color
Ina Garten is a true icon when it comes to the kitchen, but her expertise and creative eye may extend into the living room as well. In a new video with NYT Cooking, Garten shows off easy Thanksgiving recipes that require little preparation in her East Hampton home. While the Parmesan Mashed Potatoes, Chunky Cranberry Sauce, and Mushroom and Gruyère Bread Pudding look absolutely delicious, the real stars of the show seem to be the orange couches in Garten's living room.
Orange is a pretty stimulating color, which definitely suits Garten's personality, but paired with the wooden tones, cream-colored chairs, and large windows, the orange seems to add a subtle warmth to her home. If you're looking to create a cozy living space just like Garten, then maybe you want to consider an orange sofa. We pulled a few couches below that you could use as inspiration — or you may just want to get one of these as is.