3 Things You Should Have On You For A Successful Estate Sale Shopping Day
The world of estate sales is an exciting one, and spending a day looking through these sales can feel akin to treasure hunting for adults. You never know what you're going to find at an estate or antique sale, but the thought that you could potentially score an amazing piece is invigorating.
Now, say you've decided that you want to go estate sale shopping and have even found one in your area you're interested in. But, what should you bring with you to ensure that you have the best time treasure hunting? We spoke with Matt Ellison, EstateSales.NET's director of marketing, to get the scoop on the three must-haves you need in order to have a successful day of estate sale shopping.
1. Cash
1. Cash
Though we may live in a credit card world, you're going to want to have cash on you while you explore your local estate sales. "Most companies accept credit cards, but some do not!" Ellison states. "Bring cash to avoid missing out on any items you want to buy."
If you want to get specific before you head to your estate sale, you can actually check the EstateSales.NET app to see what terms are listed for that specific sale. "Assume you will need cash if it isn't specified," Ellison adds.
2. Reusable Shopping Bags
2. Reusable Shopping Bags
How do you plan to carry all your estate sale items? "Collapsible shopping bags are an easy way to carry all your items," advises Ellison. "You may also want to bring personal items, such as bottled water, for a day-long treasure hunt, or a magnifying glass to read small or faded labels." You can easily store these in your reusable bags while you peruse the estate sale selection.
3. A Way to Find Other Sales
3. A Way to Find Other Sales
If you're planning on going estate sale shopping, make sure you have a backup plan. In other words, if you go to one sale and are not liking what you're seeing, have a few other locations in mind or a way to view the other estate sales near you.
As EstateSales.NET is the website in its field, Ellison recommends using the brand's app to keep track of nearby estate sales. You can also preview what the sales have available before you arrive, so that you can better manage your expectations and avoid sales that may not fit your specific taste.
In addition to the app, you can also check for other estate sales in newspaper listings and by looking for signs in your area. "It is also great to sign up for your favorite companies' newsletters if they have one," Ellison says. "Many companies will use a newsletter to update their followers about upcoming sales. Plus, you can follow them on social media for updates."