This Couple Created A Dreamy DIY Playhouse Underneath Their Stairs

Talk about building something out of nothing. The couple behind @thegibbyhome on TikTok built their daughter her very own playhouse inside of a blank wall underneath the stairs of their home.

The couple began by cutting out the doors and windows, before hanging up drywall inside the raw space. Next, they added siding, roof shingles, and a Dutch door to the playhouse's exterior.

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Inside, they put up a floral wallpaper from Milton & King and installed carpeting and baseboards. The Gibbys even added flower boxes with faux arrangements under the windows. They finished the design off with a play kitchen, plus a few other toys.

"I have to say this is probably my favorite project," explained Kelsey Gibby in the narration. "Mainly because it barely cost us anything. All this was leftover material that we already had around the house."

The tiny abode inspired jealousy among many TikTokers in the comments. "You know that if you're in California you could rent that for $1,800 a month!" wrote one user, while another said, "Give it a mailbox and send her letters and small packages! This is too cute."

One person even suggested that this space can grow old with a young child, eventually being transformed into a reading nook as they age.

Is there room for one more?
