Costco Currently Has a Great Deal on Eggs — If You Can Believe It

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Most of us have experienced the side effects of inflation, even in the most mundane of places like the grocery store. Prices of standard kitchen items have skyrocketed recently, leading to price tag double takes while scanning shelves and befuddling receipt totals at checkout. Even the most everyday staples whose affordability we once took for granted have seen noteworthy price hikes, including one of the most fundamental kitchen ingredients of all: eggs.


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Shoppers and retailers alike have gotten creative in the face of the ongoing egg sticker shock, with Costco recently offering alternatives to classic chicken eggs by way of quail and duck eggs which haven't seen the same level of price increases. This is all well and good, but there's good news for all of you chicken egg purists out there. Costco connoisseur @costcohotfinds has just reported seeing a great deal on eggs at their local Costco.

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The Costco lover behind the account, Laura, shows in their Instagram post that Costco was selling a pack of 24 eggs for $7.29 — that's roughly $0.30 an egg. By comparison, the L.A. Times reported in early January that the California egg price average was $7 for 12 — about $0.58 an egg. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure shoppers should take advantage of this current Costco price as soon as possible.


Costco is limiting shoppers to two cartons of eggs per person so that more people can reap the benefits of this deal.


One commenter on Laura's post, @yorubajewel, summed up this whole egg scenario the best: "First they came for the toilet paper, then they came for the eggs. We are living in some interesting times." Interesting times, indeed!

