A Shocking Number Of Americans Would Give Up Something They Love To Avoid Spring Cleaning

While there may still be a chill in the air, spring has (nearly) sprung (March 20, to be exact), and we all know what that means: It's time to whip out our deep-cleaning kits to reset after spending the winter months bundled indoors. But — surprise, surprise — a large number of people aren't exactly looking forward to the job ahead. In fact, a recent study conducted by Thumbtack reveals some pretty interesting/relatable/mildly concerning data about Americans' spring cleaning habits.

According to a sample of 1,000 U.S. adults, 82% of respondents believe their home is in need of a spring cleaning, but needing and wanting are two very different things.

"Seventy-six percent of people said they'd give up something they love — such as alcohol, desserts, or even a vacation day — if it meant they could avoid the annual ritual of spring cleaning."

And 49% of Americans would be willing to pay $250+ to get the job done for them.

And even though 73% of respondents consider spring cleaning a necessity, 72% of them have at least one cleaning "hack" to get things done faster. While some shortcuts, like adding items to a junk drawer and throwing things under the bed, aren't too surprising, others came as a bit more of a shock. Well, one in particular: The study reveals that "18% 'Febreze' their laundry but don't wash it." This is a no-judgment zone, but let's just take a second for that to sink in.

"The average person spends 5–10 hours on spring cleaning over the course of 4–5 days."

The good news? Ninety-three percent of respondents reward themselves for finishing their spring cleaning. So, it's time to turn that frown upside down — there may very well be a nap or a fancy dinner in your future.
