5 Ways To Create A Stress-Free Home, According To Interior Designers

We may not be able to fully shut out the fast-paced world around us, but we can certainly turn it down a couple of notches, and the interior design experts at Hovia are here to clue us in on how to do so. It's time to make your home more than just a pretty space.

5 Steps to Creating a Stress-Free Home

1. Get blackout shades.

"Whether you are feeling too stressed to sleep or stressed out from the lack of sleep, it's best to create complete darkness while you sleep to get a better sleeping pattern and relaxation." The keys to the perfect sleep setup are blackout shades, cool and neutral walls, diffusers or essential oils, and a fan for staying cool during warmer months.

2. Light therapy is key.

Say no to fluorescent lights and yes to sunlight. Natural light has a whole slew of benefits, like increasing your motivation, sleep quality, and overall happiness.

3. Good view, good mood.

Not only will facing a window up your sunlight intake but the natural view is also proven to reduce stress.

4. Bring nature indoors.

Plants and fresh-cut flowers are great, but photographs and paintings of nature work too!

5. Create a designated space to unwind.

In addition to creating a stress-free environment for work, create a stress-free corner to just unwind. Mood lights and calming wallpaper can help make this spot feel special and like your own (no matter how many people live with you). Use this space to meditate, do yoga, or just turn off your brain for a moment.
