Shoppers Are Loving This Brand New Costco Cookie

You know it's going to be a good month when Costco introduces a new bakery item. Most recently, the warehouse released confetti cookies, and fans are loving it so far.

"I snagged these [cookies] as soon as they came out of the oven," said Costco Hot Finds on Instagram. "They were ridiculously soft and buttery and absolutely delicious."

The cookies, which contain a generous helping of white chocolate chips and sprinkles, are sold in packs of 24. Each pack also costs $9.99, which works out to 42 cents per piece.

"Got them yesterday. So sweet but so good! Really tastes like Funfetti frosting with sprinkles," said one user on Instagram. Another person noted that they taste similar to Milk Bar's confetti cookies, which have quite the cult following.

However, as the cookies are a brand new product, it might not be available at all warehouses just yet. You can check if your store has it in stock by calling Costco in advance. For reference, the item number is 1732181.

How to make confetti cookies:

How to make confetti cookies:

Confetti cookies, also known as Funfetti cookies, are easy to make at home. We love this recipe by Broma Bakery, as it takes just 15 minutes to prepare and 11 minutes to bake.

To make the cookies similar to the Costco version, add white chocolate chips to the batter. About one to two cups should do the trick, depending on your taste buds.

Other bakery items at Costco:

Other bakery items at Costco:

In honor of the spring season, Costco recently brought back its lemon blueberry loaf. The product is made of a blueberry-studded lemon pound cake topped with butter streusel and lemon icing. It also costs just $8.99 and weighs nearly two pounds.

The warehouse is also offering Mexican hot chocolate dessert cups by the brand Pots & Co. Each reusable cup is filled with a creamy chocolate dessert flavored with Mexican chipotle, cinnamon, and vanilla.
