Add A Dash Of Cinnamon To Improve Your Lawn (& Why It Works)

If you're struggling to get the perfect lawn, or if it's suffering from disease and fungal problems, you may be desperate to try some new tricks that can help it thrive. To improve the health of your grass, you may want to consider cinnamon as an organic lawn care alternative to common chemicals. Some experts state that sprinkling some cinnamon may help prevent the spread of lawn diseases as it has antifungal properties that can help eliminate common fungus-related issues such as powdery mildew. 

The process of using cinnamon on your lawn is simple and straightforward – you simply need to sprinkle some on your existing grass, or while you're planting new grass seed. You may also consider concocting a spray consisting of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 quart of milk to help combat powdery mildew. Spraying this combo on your lawn may be helpful for eliminating the disease.

How this spice may give you the perfect lawn

Cinnamon naturally helps to remove moisture wherever it's applied. By removing moisture, the spice can help eliminate fungus and allow grass to thrive. If your grass is already healthy, cinnamon may also help prevent new fungal growth, so sprinkling it every once in a while can be a great idea regardless of the current condition of your lawn. On top of this, cinnamon may help stimulate the roots of plants, provide nutrients, and encourage new growth in the garden or lawn. 

Additionally, cinnamon has the added benefit of repelling certain pests. The spice is thought to help repel ants and spider mites thanks to its potential use as an insect repellent and insecticide. It may also potentially prevent insects and pests from laying eggs. Not only a deterrent to insects, however, cinnamon may stop squirrels and rabbits from coming into your yard — it's one of the top spices that mice hate as well. With these additional benefits, cinnamon may be even more useful and can go even further than you realized toward helping you achieve the perfect lawn.
