The Art Of Scurryfunge: Fast Cleaning Tips For Surprise Guests
Scurryfunge is a verb you may not have heard before, but there's a good chance that you've already done it yourself without realizing it. Although not widely considered to be a "real" word yet, "scurryfunge" refers to the act of cleaning one's home at the last minute — when guests are on their way and will be arriving soon. Not all who have scurryfunged have aced the process; many times, guests arrive at a home with a mess in plain view.
Of course, there's no requirement that your home needs to be perfectly clean to have visitors over. However, if you do want to clean your home before the arrival of guests, there are some ways to make it more effective the next time you scurryfunge. The key to cleaning quickly and effectively is prioritizing and focusing on the tasks that will make the biggest impact. Even if you don't keep your home perfectly clean at all times, preparing for a cleaning rush isn't a bad idea either.
The best tips for fast and furious cleaning
When aiming to clean your home fast, remember to pick your battles. Start with what you and your guests can see easily, or start with the messiest spots first. If you have an idea of where your guests will spend time in your home, put most of your focus on those areas. Don't forget to clean the bathroom as well. On the other hand, consider closing the doors to rooms where your guests won't need to be, especially if they're particularly untidy.
When cleaning, some tasks can make more of an impact than others. You may want to start by cleaning off counters and surfaces. Do some dusting and use some all-purpose storage boxes to put stuff away quickly — don't worry about organizing the box if you're in a rush. You can then place these boxes somewhere that's out of the way, such as in the garage or the back of a closet. Also, spend some time sweeping the floors or vacuuming. However, you may want to skip the mopping if there's limited time. Finally, be sure to take the garbage out and ensure it's out of sight — placing it in the garage, if necessary.
The biggest mistakes to avoid when you scurryfunge
A key mistake people make when during a scurryfunge is failing to prepare well in the first place. While it's ideal to keep your home as clean as possible at all times, the next best thing is to be ready to scramble. Consider keeping a caddy around that's filled with cleaning supplies and use it any time you discover guests are on the way. Be sure to have some all-purpose cleaner so you don't have to switch too often while cleaning. It's also a good idea to invest in a robot vacuum. Then, you can turn it on as soon as you know guests are on the way — while you proceed to handle other tasks.
In addition to failing to prepare, another mistake is not realizing the importance of smell. Scent can have a big impact on how clean a guest perceives your home to be, so use this to your advantage if you don't have the chance to do a more thorough cleaning job. When a guest is on the way, open a window to let some fresh air in and consider turning on the air conditioner to improve air circulation. It can also be worth using an air freshener and an essential oil diffuser to scent your home. Another great trick is to simply add an essential oil or vinegar to a cotton ball and then quickly dab it on various surfaces around your home, especially in rooms where a guest will be spending time. Doing so can introduce these smells to an area and can make it seem like you spent more time cleaning your home than you actually did.