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The Brilliant Pool Noodle Hack That Stops Your Bed Sheets From Coming Untucked

If you visited a public pool growing up, you're no doubt familiar with that game where children try to blow water into each others' faces from either side of a pool noodle. That's arguably the greatest cultural cache of pool noodles as a toy, moreso than their usefulness as a floatation device that can facilitate inexpensive physical therapy exercises. However, the humble pool noodle also boasts an entire hidden world of uses in the world of DIY projects, from making furniture to helping you paint your cabinets. One of the more unconventional hacks involves bringing a pool noodle into the bedroom to help stop your bed sheets from slipping around and coming untucked.

Few things are more disheartening than getting a pair of freshly cleaned sheets, laying everything out like an IKEA centerfold, and then watching your picture-perfect bedding last one or two nights before it comes undone. That's where YouTube channel Unbox Mattress comes in with a clever hack involving just one pool noodle, which you can cheaply pick up as part of a pool noodle six-pack (because face it, once you hop on the pool noodle DIY train, you want more than one). 

Be warned: the hack in question does involve utilizing a proper bed frame to help keep your sheets tucked, so some beds will be better equipped than others. However, there are other ways you can use a pool noodle to achieve the same effect.

Pool noodles are the fun and effective tool for keeping bed sheets tucked in

This is certain to be one of the easiest DIY hacks you've ever tried. The first step is something you do every day: go make your bed. Regardless of how much experience you have, you should notice some of your sheets bunching up around the footboard of your frame. That's where you can take your new pool noodle, shoving it down between the mattress and frame so that the foam floatie becomes a stopper to keep your sheets and blanket from slipping. Boom, mission accomplished.

As mentioned, this hack is harder to pull off without a proper bed frame footboard, but not impossible. If the idea is that you're using the pool noodle as a stopper between two solid objects, so this can also be accomplished using the mattress and a basic frame or box spring. Try cutting your pool noodle in half, and then pushing your sheets in the crack between your mattress and frame using that flatter hunk of foam. This should maintain the same kind of traction, while not being a large enough intrusion to feel as you sleep. 

Alternatively, if you have some additional time to spend on this task, use a few of those extra pool noodles to DIY a cozy, budget headboard and footboard. It will really complete the look. And in the end, whether you're using a pool noodle to help air dry your clothes without creases or keep your bed sheets tucked, it's clear that there are plenty of exciting DIY hacks to discover with this innocuous staple of swimming.
