Will You Make Or Lose Money If You Airbnb Your Home?
Making passive income on renting your home sounds like a dream - but you need to do your homework, or it could be a money pit. Here are the factors to look at.
Read MoreMaking passive income on renting your home sounds like a dream - but you need to do your homework, or it could be a money pit. Here are the factors to look at.
Read MoreThere's nothing like a rustic, old-fashioned ice chest for your house or patio. Upcycle wood pallets to create a truly unique and gorgeous version of a cooler.
Read MoreEver slept in a Marriott or Four Seasons hotel and wondered if there was a way to get that luxury mattress into your own home? Actually, there is.
Read MoreIf you're thinking about reselling your home someday, the floors are a big deal. How much is that carpet or linoleum really hurting your overall ROI?
Read MoreThis disappearing room doesn't show up much on real estate listings any longer, but you can add it to your home anyway with creative and clever design choices.
Read MoreMason jars are great for just about everything ... except pouring liquids without making a colossal mess. Thankfully, this hack will fix that problem.
Read MoreIf you're writing off the "spark joy" rule with a laugh, you're probably misunderstanding the message of Marie Kondo's decluttering philosophy. Here's why.
Read MoreIn the dead of winter, it's never pleasant to find tools in your freezing garage. Does it still have to be this way? There's a surprising reason for it.
Read MoreOh no. Termites! It's a destructive pest and is dreaded by homeowners. So when exactly is your house in danger of collapsing from damage? Here's what to know.
Read MoreShoveling can destroy your back. Snowblowers are messy. Deicer is toxic. Snow-melting mads, meanwhile, are the shovel-free solution of your dreams.
Read MoreSpending $400 on a hot tub instead of $4k (or $10k) sure sounds nice, but are inflatable hot tubs going to hold up? Here are the pros and cons.
Read MoreA log splitter will save you countless hours in splitting wood... if it works. If your splitter has started leaking, though, here's how to diagnose the problem.
Read MoreYou always were told that space heaters blew money. Now, some people are saying they save money. What's the truth? Here's our assessment.
Read MoreFrom wildfires to floods, the impact of climate change keeps growing every year. Here's how to figure out whether you should be worried about your home.
Read MoreThinking about ordering your next cord of firewood from the Facebook marketplace or Craigslist? Make sure you're getting a good deal with these three questions.
Read MoreEverybody has always told you that pine will cause creosote buildup in your chimney. They'll tell you not to burn it. Don't listen - they're wrong.
Read MoreA huge, beautiful wreath adds sparkle to your home or front door. Unfortunately, those big wreaths can be pricey. This DIY with a pool noodle is an alternative.
Read MoreIs taxidermied animal head mounts a cool way to show off rustic farmhouse vibes, or a dated embarrassment? Let's take a closer look at how to make it work.
Read MoreIf you have a wood home or want to buy one, you may be considering what the likelihood is that it will burn down from a fire compared to other exteriors.
Read MoreIf you want a Thanksgiving centerpiece for your harvest-themed table that's sure to impress your guests, make your own cornucopia (or horn of plenty) this year.
Read MoreHaving your home be accessible doesn't mean it can't also be trendy or beautiful. Meet universal design, the stunning compromise that's changing everything.
Read MorePolishing wood furniture is a rewarding task, but you want to make sure that you're actually doing it correctly. Here are some expert tips.
Read MoreSome people do it. Others are terrified of it. But is putting aluminum foil in the air fryer really a fire hazard or not? There's a straightforward answer.
Read MoreDeath Stairs are a very real thing, whether they happen through poor design or neglect. But if you're unlucky enough to have them, here's what you can do.
Read MoreThis spooky DIY requires only a few items from the Dollar Tree to light up your home on Halloween and turn it into a haunted house all season long.
Read MoreFires add warmth and a cozy feeling to your home. However, is a wood-burning stove a better option than a fireplace? We'll go over the pros of each option.
Read MoreYour old house has doors that mysteriously close themselves. Worried? You shouldn't be, because there's a surprisingly logical (and not ethereal) explanation.
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